在后续并行区域设置线程数,因此,除非重写由 num_threads 子句。复制 void omp_set_num_threads( int num_threads ); 备注其中,num_threads 线程数在并行区域。备注有关更多信息,请参见 3.1.1 omp_set_num_threads功能。示例有关使用示例 omp_set_num_threads参见 omp_get_num_threads。
Sets the number of threads in subsequent parallel regions, unless overridden by a num_threads clause.複製 void omp_set_num_threads( int num_threads ); Remarkswhere,num_threads The number of threads in the parallel region.RemarksFor more information, see 3.1.1 omp_set_num_threads Function....
-omp_get_num_procs, 返回运行本线程的多处理机的处理器个数。 -omp_get_num_threads, 返回当前并行区域中的活劢线程个数。 -omp_get_thread_num, 返回线程号 -omp_set_num_threads, 设置并行执行代码时的线程个数 omp_init_lock, 刜始化一个简单锁 omp_set_lock, 上锁操作 omp_unset_lock, 解锁操作...
voidparallel_lu(intargc,char**argv,double**matrix,intdim,intblock_dim,intrank2print,intdoSerial,intnumThreads){omp_set_num_threads(numThreads);intprocs;intrank; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); ...
The omp_set_num_threads routine specifies the number of threads to use for the next parallel region by setting the first value of num_list for the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. The number_of_threads_expr argument is evaluated, and its value is used as the number of threads. If ...
omp_set_num_threads(6); ``` 这将设置OpenMP程序中的线程数量为6 Fortran示例: ```fortran program my_openmp_program implicit none ... call omp_set_num_threads(6) ``` 这将设置OpenMP程序中的线程数量为6 无论您选择哪种设置方法,都应该确保在程序开始执行之前设置了OMP_NUM_THREADS变量的值。 2....
2,842 Views Code: ! Running on system with 4 processors iMaxThreads = OMP_GET_MAX_THREADS() ! runtime environment returns 4 call OMP_SET_NUM_THREADS(iMaxThreads) ! set to 4 threads !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(I) SHARED COUNT DO I=1,COUNT CALL FOO2(SOMETHING(I)) CALL FOO3(OTHERTHING...
3. omp_set_num_threads()库函数的设置 4. OMP_NUM_THREADS环境变量的设置 5. 编译器默认实现(一般而言,默认实现的是总线程数等于处理器的核心数) 2、3、4优先级依次降低的,也就是前面的设置可以覆盖后面的设置,当然也是相对而言,num_threads子句只会影响当前的并行区域,而omp_set_num_threads对OMP_NUM_THR...
Prototype void omp_set_num_threads (intnum_threads); Parameters num_threads Must be a positive integer. Usage If thenum_threadsclause is present, then for the parallel region it is applied to, it supersedes the number of threads requested by this function or theOMP_NUM_THREADSenvironment varia...