如果你遇到了“omp_get_thread_num 未定义”的错误,通常是因为没有正确包含OpenMP库或者编译时没有启用OpenMP支持。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认包含OpenMP头文件: 确保你的代码中包含了OpenMP的头文件。通常,这可以通过在源文件顶部添加以下代码行来完成:...
就可以实现串行程序的并行化. 这里主要进行一些学习记录, 使用的书籍为: Using OpenMP: Portable Shared...
thread_num= omp_get_thread_num() ifthread_num ==0: long_running_task1() elif thread_num ==1: long_running_task2() do_two_tasks() 问题解决: 运行效果: 成功达到200%的进程CPU使用率。
$OMP MASTER NP = omp_get_thread_num() CALL WORK('in master', NP) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL END SUBROUTINE WORK(msg, THD_NUM) INTEGER THD_NUM character(*) msg PRINT *, msg, THD_NUM END Output: in parallel 1 in parallel 3 in parallel 2 in parallel 0 in master 0...
Theomp_get_thread_numfunction returns the number of the currently executing thread within the team. The number returned will always be between 0 andNUM_PARTHDS- 1.NUM_PARTHDSis the number of currently executing threads within the team. The master thread of the team returns a value of 0. ...
From openmp: omp_get_thread_num – Current thread ID Description: Returns a unique thread identification number within the current team. In a sequential parts of the program, omp_get_thread_num always returns 0. In parallel regions the re...
>#include<omp.h>voidHello(void){intmy_id=omp_get_thread_num();intmy_rank=omp_get_num_threads();std::cout<<"Hello from thread "<<my_id<<" of "<<my_rank<<std::endl;}intmain(intargc,char**argv){{intnthread=4;#pragma omp parallel num_threads( nthread )Hello();}return0;}...
omp_get_thread_num 函数返回线程数,在其团队,线程中执行该函数。 线程数放在 0 和 omp_get_num_threads ()–1 之间,包含。 团队的主线程是线程 0。格式如下所示:复制 #include <omp.h> int omp_get_thread_num(void); 如果调用从一个序列化的区域, omp_get_thread_num 返回0。 如果调用从序列化的...
若是不声明OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM,OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS那么不会得到正确的线程号和总线程数。 原因:??? (2) 但是如果在开头使用"use omp_lib",则不需要声明。 但是在某些程序中还是得到 线程数 线程号为浮点数的现象 ??? 原因:子程序里面没有重复声明use omp_lib....
Thus, the integer result returned by the function is being interpreted as an IEEE real, which produces the NaNs that you saw.Either USE the OMP module as TimP told you, or declare OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM as INTEGER. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply ...