要点 本文题目中的"omni"是"全方位"的意思, 所以姑且先称呼"omni-supervised learning"为"全方位监督学习"吧. 怎么个全方位法呢? 根据本文的说法就是: 利用所有可用的数据, 包括来自多个数据集的带标签的数据, 以及网上可获得的无标签的数据. 既从带标签的数据中学习了, 又能从无标签数据中学习, 文章将"全...
主要思想是用通过使用一个在大量已标记数据上训练过的模型在未标记数据上生成annotations,然后再将所有的annotations(已有的或者新生成的)对模型进行重新训练。作者将其思想同 G. Hinton, O. Vinyals, and J. Dean. 等人的Distilling the knowledge in a neural network. 的model distillation进行了对比。 不同于Hin...
Data Distillation: Towards Omni-Supervised Learning Ilija Radosavovic Piotr Dolla´r Ross Girshick Georgia Gkioxari Kaiming He Facebook AI Research (FAIR) Abstract We investigate omni-supervised learning, a special regime of semi-supervised learning in which the learner ex- ploits all available ...
OmniSource overcomes the barriers between data formats, such as images, short videos, and long untrimmed videos for webly-supervised learning. First, data samples with multiple formats, curated by task-specific data collection and automatically filtered by a teacher model, are transformed into a ...
This repository is the official implementation of "OPERA: Omni-Supervised Representation Learning with Hierarchical Supervisions".PaperChengkun Wang*, Wenzhao Zheng*, Zheng Zhu, Jie Zhou, and Jiwen Lu HighlighsA unified framework for fully supervised and self-supervised learning based on deep metric ...
OptimalFlow is an omni-ensemble and scalable automated machine learning Python toolkit, which uses Pipeline Cluster Traversal Experiments(PCTE) and Selection-based Feature Preprocessor with Ensemble Encoding(SPEE), to help data scientists build optimal models, and automate supervised learning workflow with...