第三代奥林巴斯PEN E-PL3(被称为PEN Lite)的发布延续了这一传统,同时体现了其大哥奥林巴斯E-P3的大部分功能和几乎所有性能提升。然而,这次的一个不同之处在于E-PM1 / PEN Mini的同步到货,现在它已成为PEN产品系列中的入门级车型。PEN Lite位于PEN Mini和奥林巴斯的旗舰产品E-P3之间,提供外部控制点和紧凑型相机...
图面上看来 E-P3 很像是 E-P2 以及 E-PL2 的合体,按钮的安排很像是 P2,但是有 PL2 内建弹出式闪光灯以及复古的银色上盖。新相机传闻将使用 12 megapixel 最高 ISO 12,800 的感光组件,高分辨率的触控屏幕,以及改进的自动对焦和使用接口。 E-PM1 是首次曝光的 Pen Mini 系列相机,或许不会像 Pentax Q...
We've just published our review of the Olympus E-PM1: the PEN Mini. The Mini is the least expensive, and most compact-camera-user orientated, Micro Four Thirds model yet released. It's built around the long-serving 12MP sensor but includes the latest, impressively fast AF system from the...
Hidden underneath, though, the E-PM1 retains much the same feature set as the enthusiast-targeted E-P3. The more-advanced functions aren't quite as easy to get at, but they're almost all there. Overall, the PEN Mini conveys the feel of a well-executed simplification of the E-PL3, ...
到了数码时代,奥林巴斯进入M43微单阵营即重新启用了“Pen”作为副品牌,希望唤起人们内心沉睡已久的印象。E-PM则是2011年随E-PM1发布诞生的新系列,表示Pen Mini,即在原本E-P系列基础上进一步对机身继续缩小使之紧凑化。 E-PM2是2012年发布的一款微单机型,用以作为上一代紧凑机型E-PM1的续作,相比上一代机型,做工...
Leading the way was the Olympus Pen E-PM1 (also known as the Pen Mini). Not much larger than a compact camera, but with a good range of features, the small and slim E-PM1 is a good travel companion, but is a little lacking in terms of advanced control.Richard Sibley...
Leading the way was the Olympus Pen E-PM1 (also known as the Pen Mini). Not much larger than a compact camera, but with a good range of features, the small and slim E-PM1 is a good travel companion, but is a little lacking in terms of advanced control. 年份: 2012 ...
Olympus E-P1 Olympus E-P2 Olympus E-P3 Olympus E-PL1 Olympus E-PL2 Olympus E-PL3 Olympus E-PL5 Olympus E-PM1 Olympus E-PM2 Olympus EVOLT E-300 Olympus EVOLT E-330 Olympus EVOLT E-410 Olympus EVOLT E-500 Olympus EVOLT E-510 ...
1)E-PM1 “M” stays for “Mini”. It is smaller than the [shoplink 17361 ebay]Panasonic GF2 (Click here to see it)[/shoplink] and a bit bigger than the new [shoplink 23109]Panasonic GF3[/shoplink]. The good news is that the mini still maintains the built-in stabilization!