奥林巴斯(OLYMPUS)PEN E-PM1 12.3百万像素无反数码相机高清 3倍变焦 16:9 single os图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
奥林巴斯E PM1 添加 热门搭配镜头 更多>> 小蚁42.5 F1.8 M43 永诺25 F1.7 M43 M43 松下14mm F2.5 M43 奥林巴斯45mm F1.2 Pro 未测试 M43 奥林巴斯Body Cap Lens 15mm F8.0 未测试 M43 奥林巴斯300mm F4 IS Pro 未测试 M43 OM System 90mm F3.5 IS PRO 未测试 M43 奥林巴斯60mm...
视频最大分辨率相机拍摄的视频的最大分辨率。1920 x 1080 查看完整参数 奥林巴斯E PM1 添加 相关的相机查看全部(28款) 1 奥林巴斯EM1二代 4/3英寸无反 2000万像素 2 奥林巴斯PEN F 4/3英寸旁轴 2000万像素 3 奥林巴斯EM10二代 4/3英寸无反 1600万像素 ...
Just Posted: Olympus PEN Mini preview and video. Behind the bluster of the latest announcements, the Olympus E-PM1 has started hitting the shelves. In many respects it's pretty similar to the E-PL3 (and it features most of that camera's enhancements over the previous PEN models). It's...
第三代奥林巴斯PEN E-PL3(被称为PEN Lite)的发布延续了这一传统,同时体现了其大哥奥林巴斯E-P3的大部分功能和几乎所有性能提升。然而,这次的一个不同之处在于E-PM1 / PEN Mini的同步到货,现在它已成为PEN产品系列中的入门级车型。PEN Lite位于PEN Mini和奥林巴斯的旗舰产品E-P3之间,提供外部控制点和紧凑型相机...
We've just published our review of the Olympus E-PM1: the PEN Mini. The Mini is the least expensive, and most compact-camera-user orientated, Micro Four Thirds model yet released. It's built around the long-serving 12MP sensor but includes the latest, impressively fast AF system from the...
Leading the way was the Olympus Pen E-PM1 (also known as the Pen Mini). Not much larger than a compact camera, but with a good range of features, the small and slim E-PM1 is a good travel companion, but is a little lacking in terms of advanced control.Richard Sibley...
到了数码时代,奥林巴斯进入M43微单阵营即重新启用了“Pen”作为副品牌,希望唤起人们内心沉睡已久的印象。E-PM则是2011年随E-PM1发布诞生的新系列,表示Pen Mini,即在原本E-P系列基础上进一步对机身继续缩小使之紧凑化。 E-PM2是2012年发布的一款微单机型,用以作为上一代紧凑机型E-PM1的续作,相比上一代机型,做工...
Leading the way was the Olympus Pen E-PM1 (also known as the Pen Mini). Not much larger than a compact camera, but with a good range of features, the small and slim E-PM1 is a good travel companion, but is a little lacking in terms of advanced control. 年份: 2012 ...
到了数码时代,奥林巴斯进入M43微单阵营即重新启用了“Pen”作为副品牌,希望唤起人们内心沉睡已久的印象。E-PM则是2011年随E-PM1发布诞生的新系列,表示Pen Mini,即在原本E-P系列基础上进一步对机身继续缩小使之紧凑化。 E-PM2是2012年发布的一款微单机型,用以作为上一代紧凑机型E-PM1的续作,相比上一代机型,做工...