Define Olecranon fossa. Olecranon fossa synonyms, Olecranon fossa pronunciation, Olecranon fossa translation, English dictionary definition of Olecranon fossa. n. pl. fos·sae Anatomy A small cavity or depression, as in a bone. fos′sate′ adj. n. A catl
RadialHeadFractures AndrewH.Schmidt,MD GregoryJ.Schmeling,MD DavidC.Templeman,MD CreatedMarch2004 AnatomyoftheOlecranonand RadialHead SurgicalAnatomy •Articularcartilage –Sigmoidnotchofulna:bare spot •Coronoidprocess •Noteangleofk-wiresto engageanteriorcortex •Bewareofnarrowing sigmoidfossawhen trea...
n.process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended 同义词:olecranon process 学习怎么用 权威例句 Olecranon fractures: treatment options. Olecranon fractures in adults: factors influencing outcome ...
are well tolerated and do not result in disability. However, because growth occurs at the proximal radial physis, the ulna must be able to elongate during rapid growth of the foal along with the radius to maintain congruency between the humeral condyle and the trochlear notch of the olecranon....
Its usefulness and reliability in suspecting "invisible" fractures The dorsal fat pad of the elbow joint lies within the olecranon fossa and is not radiographically visible under normal circumstances. An effusion into the elbow joint will displace the fat pad dorsally and it will become visible ...
extend all the way down to the olecranon fossa of the ulna. Se näyttää kulkevan kyynärlisäkekuoppaan asti. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 And on his right olecranon. ja vasemmassa kyynärlisäkkeessä. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Micro-fracture of the left olecranon. Mikromurtuma ...
Related to Olecranon fossa:olecranon process,coronoid fossa,trochlear notch,Radial fossa fossa,carnivorous mammal,Cryptoprocta ferox,of Madagascar. The island's largest carnivore, the fossa resembles apumain appearance and has semiretractable claws, but it is most closely related to Madagascar's other...
The modified technique used here is as stable as the classic operation, and it is safe since there is no risk of injuring the nerves and vessels of the olecranon fossa. There is less or no need for an image intensifier. Conclusion: The outcomes of the present study...
17. With this kind of nail, humeral shaft fractures were fixed by inserting needles through the upper point of olecranon fossa and made clinical evaluation on its effects. 临床采用该钉由鹰嘴窝上方逆行进钉内固定治疗肱骨干骨折,并对其进行评价。 来自互联网 18. Methods Retrospective analysis of the ...