Share on Facebook (redirected fromOlecranon fossa) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia fos·sa1 (fŏs′ə)·sae(fŏs′ē′)Anatomy A small cavity or depression, as in a bone. [Latin,ditch, from feminine past participle offodere,to dig.] ...
What bone shape is the patella? What is a metacarpal bone? What might cause pain in the femur bone? What type of bone is the ischium? What does spongy bone do? What is spongy bone? What is the olecranon fossa? What is the lunate bone?
Summary A new arthroscopic approach to the treatment of elbow osteoarthritis that permits debridement of the elbow joint together with the removal of intraarticular loose bodies is described. Twelve patients (11 male, one female) with an age range of 29–64 (mean 47.5 years) underwent the proced...
What part of the ulna fits into the olecranon fossa of the humerus? What is the bone in your knee called? How can you tell the left femur from the right femur when looking at them? Where does the femur attach to the pelvis?
Lowerend:capitulum肱骨小头trochlea肱骨滑车coranoidfossa冠突窝radialfossa桡窝olecranonfossa鹰嘴窝lateralandmedialepicondyles内、外上髁sulcusforulnarnerve尺神经沟1.Thehumerus肱骨骨科重要体表标志TheBonesofLimbs第16页 Theradiusisthelateralboneofthetwointheforearm.Ithasashaftandtwoends.Upperend:headofradius桡骨...
Define olecranon tuberosity. olecranon tuberosity synonyms, olecranon tuberosity pronunciation, olecranon tuberosity translation, English dictionary definition of olecranon tuberosity. n. pl. tu·ber·os·i·ties 1. The quality or condition of being tube
Arthroscopic fenestration of the olecranon fossa in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the elbow. Arthroscopy 1993; 9:14-16.Redden, J, y Stanley, D: Arthroscopic fenestration of the olecranon fossa in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the elbow. Arthroscopy, 9: 14-16, 1993....
It is located on the middle 优质文献 相似文献on a foralvien in the lower extremity of the i-iuj\\\1erus high. It is located above the epiphyseal line and is in the intra-articular part of the olecranon fossa below the line of reflection of the synovial membrane which crosses the middle...
The laterale, accessorium and mediale heads insert through a tendon onto the cranial aspect of the olecranon tuberosity. The laterale and longum heads insert onto the caudal aspect of the olecranon tuberosity. The tendon of the caput laterale also inserts onto the lateral margin of the olecrano...
What is the function of the lamina propria in the large intestine? What is the function of the pinna? Describe the function of the olecranon fossa. Give 3 reasons as to why bone is a very dynamic tissue. What are the functions of the liver?