You are losing weight. You feel depressed, confused, tired, irritable, and you do not feel like eating. You have signs of dehydration. Examples include dark yellow urine, dry mouth and lips, dry skin, fast heartbeat, and urinating less than usual. You have questions or concerns about your...
So, I want to share with you what has worked for me and for many other older women (as well as young women and men) I've worked with. As we age, we need MUCH less food, and this can be challenging. I had to accept that my body needs much less food than before menopause. I ...
Muscle strength was normalized by multiplying the lever arm and dividing it by body weight in kg (Nm/BW). Knee extensor muscle strength was determined using a cutoff of 0.40 kg/BW for men and 0.31 kg/BW for women; below these values, hindrance to daily activities was observed [31]. The...
January 2008. Just want you, whomever you are, to know that she still is helping people with her ideas, words, and quilts, I am sure. It went on to explain that she began making anonymous women’s quilts from old quilt tops, rearranging, combining, repairing and finishing them, along ...
” in a heartbeat. When Bennett pushed Evangeline against the wall and had his way with her, this just mere hours after their first encounter, well, that was my “you had me at hello” moment when it came to him. With his penchant for older women & tendency to fall in love at ...
These talented young women have been willing to include me in their lives. I am honored. My older friends guided me with nurturing, encouragement and the benefit of their life experiences. Two set great examples of being young at heart, and were certainly stand-ins for my Mom after she ...
Participants were community-dwelling women. Candidates were considered eligible if they were 18 years or older, lived independently, and possessed sufficient physical and cognitive abilities to perform all measurements required by the protocol. The 5STS test was performed as fast as possible using a ...
A very few of the women had boycotted their changed appearance by dyeing their hair; one woman even had a head of brilliantly bright red hair in a blunt, modern cut. Still, I could tell, she was older than me. So what was the answer? What determines ‘real’ age? Should one not ...
We had each thrown a few rocks already and what I saw next(what all three of us saw) made me ash out my cigarette and walk away *fast*. The other guys did the same thing. We didn't say a word to each other until we were well away from the area. ...
Jones L, Waters D, Legge M (2009) Walking speed at self-selected exercise pace is lower but energy cost higher in older versus younger women. J Phys Act Health 6(3):327–32 Article Google Scholar Keys A, Taylor HL, Grande F (1973) Basal metabolism and age of adult man. Metabolism...