Old Maps shows over 250,000 high-resolution historical maps from 15th to 20th century. Use the app to see your own GPS position on any of the maps, or just browse one by one from your couch. You can set up filters such as year from/to, scale, title or author. ...
All maps are location-based and the app can display the relevant maps according to the place where you appear. Download the Old Maps now and enjoy a touch of history in your hand! About: The project OldMapsOnline began in 2012 and indexes over half a million of ancient, antique, vintage...
自动查找您访问的网页上的地图并将其添加到 OldMapsOnline 地图平台。 在您访问的网页上检测各种格式的扫描可缩放地图,在网络浏览器中快速对它们进行地理配准 - 获得地图叠加、3D 地球视图和其他好处 - 并将您的新地图与 OldMapsOnline 地图平台中超过 50 万张其他地图进行比较。 查看更多 评分 5 共3 位用户...
Over the last thirty years, map libraries worldwide have scanned some hundreds of thousands of historical maps from their collections, and most are viewable online via the world-wide web. However, maps remain difficult to access because they are individually hard to find: a user needing a map...
7, No. 2, 2012 [73-81] www.e-perimetron.org | ISSN 1790-3769 [73] Humphrey Southall * , Petr Přidal ** Old Maps Online: Enabling global access to historical mapping Keywords: Federated map search; geographical searching; MapRank; DCMI BOX; MARC 034; metadata; Bounding Box. Summary...
for file in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/*.uz; do /Applications/UnrealTournament.app/Contents/MacOS/UCC decompress $file; done mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/System/*.unr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Unreal\ Tournament/Maps/ rm ~/Library/Application...
Maps Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct Windows.UI.Xaml.Data Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting Windows.UI.Xaml.Input Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup Windows.UI.Xaml.Media Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation ...
mapshistoricalonlineoldenablingmapping e-Perimetron,Vol.7,No.2,2012[73-81].e-perimetron|ISSN1790-3769[73]HumphreySouthall*,PetrPřidal**OldMapsOnline:EnablingglobalaccesstohistoricalmappingKeywords:Federatedmapsearch;geographicalsearching;MapRank;DCMIBOX;MARC034;metadata;BoundingBox.Summary:Overthelastth...
LiDAR, Detailed Old Maps and GPS data of Archaeological Sites and Monuments GPS data (SMR) with LiDAR, Aerial Photography and Old Victorian Digital Maps Online for Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon with Metal Detecting Findspot Maps and British Archaeological a
Maps Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance Windows.Services.Maps.LocalSearch Windows.Services.Maps.OfflineMaps Windows.Services.Store Windows.Services.TargetedContent Windows.Storage Windows.Storage.AccessCache Windows.Storage.BulkAccess Windows.Storage.Compression Windows.Storage.FileProperties Windows.Storage.Pickers ...