web address = http://www.oldmapsonline.org Click on Organisation below to go to the websitePridal, PSouthall, HumphreyAucott, Paula
Old Maps Online是一个专门用于搜索和浏览古老地图的在线平台。它整合了来自世界各地的图书馆、档案馆和其他机构的古地图资源,让研究者、历史爱好者、地理学者以及公众能够方便地访问和探索历史时期的地区地图。用户可以通过关键字搜索、地图浏览等方式查找特定区域和时间段内的老地图,也可以通过时间轴筛选对应的时间范围...
About: The project OldMapsOnline began in 2012 and indexes over half a million of ancient, antique, vintage and old historic maps from prominent archives and libraries (British Library, National Library of Scotland, David Rumsey…). For more information, visit the website www.oldmapsonline.org...
OldMapOnline是一个整合全球各大图书馆和档案馆资源的在线古地图检索网站, 提供按地域、时间及制图者检索功能, 助力历史文化研究与探索
自动查找您访问的网页上的地图并将其添加到 OldMapsOnline 地图平台。 在您访问的网页上检测各种格式的扫描可缩放地图,在网络浏览器中快速对它们进行地理配准 - 获得地图叠加、3D 地球视图和其他好处 - 并将您的新地图与 OldMapsOnline 地图平台中超过 50 万张其他地图进行比较。 查看更多 评分 5 共3 位用户...
All maps are location-based and the app can display the relevant maps according to the place where you appear. Download the Old Maps now and enjoy a touch of history in your hand! About: The project OldMapsOnline began in 2012 and indexes over half a million of ancient, antique, vintage...
又找到了一个地图控的宝藏网站:Old Maps Online,根据现有的地址,查询当地的「老地图」!使用方式很简单,直接搜索地区/城市/街道,或者在地图上放大、缩小,就可以直接从看到覆盖这个区域的老地图(例如图2,我直接搜到了重庆)。鼠标移到旁边的老地图上,还能看到老地图覆盖的区域(当然一些太老 ...
Old Maps Online浏览人数已经达到2,818,如你需要查询该站的相关权重信息,可以点击"5118数据""爱站数据""Chinaz数据"进入;以目前的网站数据参考,建议大家请以爱站数据为准,更多网站价值评估因素如:Old Maps Online的访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用户体验等;当然要评估一个站的价值,最主要还是需要根据您自身的...
The New York Public Library, through the Open Access Maps Project, has made thousands of historical maps available to everyone. Cartography is a dazzling fiction. Perhaps some good part of its beauty lies in the fact that the making of maps has been and remains the most concrete way we ...
Over the last thirty years, map libraries worldwide have scanned some hundreds of thousands of historical maps from their collections, and most are viewable online via the world-wide web. However, maps remain difficult to access because they are individually hard to find: a user needing a map...