Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons:Lost ...
not at all redolent of sparse, economical Old English, but a cross between literally translated modern German and a makeshift, clattering pseudo-Middle English with modernized spelling and anachronistic “esquires” and “knights.” Yes, Tolkien knew that the root of “knight” was “cniht,” O...
(Palmyra.) So blindly enthusiastic was Harris, that he took some of the characters interpreted by Smith, and went in search of some one, besides the interpreter, who was learned enough toEnglishthem; but to all whom he applied (among the number was Professor Mitchell, of New York,) ...
interlaced with unnumbered profanations of the names of the Deity and Jesus Christ. It is a most bungling attempt to imitate the ancient English and Bible phraseology. Much of the language is borrowed from the Bible, and inserted in the book, after murdering the English of it: and the Almi...
All unauthorized Bibles – that is, all those in the English language – were banned. All confiscated copies were burned. Those who copied out these Bibles were imprisoned....
In understanding the original Hebrew, an English translator can use the Septuagint to see what Greek word was used in that translation. This process would be to revert back to the original version. The Septuagint would have provided a translation closer in time to the original text. F. ...
"'I have collected all the elements together and founded an earth. What wouldst thou have me do next?' "Using the same formula every time, they sent him down to the world, they then told him to separate the land from the water, light from darkness, etc., and so they went regularly...
This he has translated from the Egyptian reformed language to English, by a pair of stone spectacles (provided by an angel) and a dark hat before his eyes. The books have been printed, and J. S. and Mr. N_s are engaged in peddling the same. The society are increasing. Eighteen have...
When William Caxton started printing at Westminster in the late summer of 1476, he was painfully aware of the uncertain state of the English language. In his prologues and epilogues to his translations, he made some revealing observations on the problems that he had encountered as translator and...
‘The love with whom Thou hast loved You shall be in them, and I in them” (John 17:26). In other words, “in the church, the Son unites with grace so much with the people, as He is united and the same with the Father, having the same love for them. The Son gathering the ...