not at all redolent of sparse, economical Old English, but a cross between literally translated modern German and a makeshift, clattering pseudo-Middle English with modernized spelling and anachronistic “esquires” and “knights.” Yes, Tolkien knew that the root of “knight” was “cniht,” O...
Nile River in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE nil (Neilos, meaning not certainly known; perhaps refers to the color of the water, as black or blue. This name does not occur in the Hebrew of the Old Testament or in the English translation): I. THE NILE IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. ...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. I would like to translate this poem Poems By Anonymous Olde English Beowulf (Episode 01) A Pleasant Ballad Of King Henry Ii. And The Miller Of Mansfield A Praise Of His Lady ...
Canst1 Thou2 Wit3 the History of the English Language? 1“can,” Old English (before 900) 2“plural form of you,” Old English 3“know,” Old English Check all that apply: ___ I am one of the 3 billion people who speak an Indo-European language. ___ I am one of the 300...
-- 'Tis the six-and-twentieth edition, promul-gated at Boston, Anno Domini 1744; and is entitled, 'The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testaments; faithfully translated into English Metre, for the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints, in Public and Private,...
Today, we rarely give much thought to the 'old money' of our country. But, as with many things, it's taken roots and made its undying mark on the English language, perhaps even more so than our current denominations of pounds and pence. ...
The poem has been much translated into Modern English and vigorously praised.Footnote 34 The locution wlance wigsmiþas occurs twice, with very different meanings. In The Battle of Brunanburh it is used in glorious commemoration of the Anglo-Saxon triumph over Celts. In Vainglory the wl...
Mr. Smith arrived at Kirtland the next day; and being examined concerning his supernatural gifts by a scholar, who was capable of testing his knowledge, he confessed he knew nothing of any language, save the king's English. Mr. R. asserted that our revelation came to us upon human testi...
When the Masoretes put vowels on the consonantal text of the Hebrew Bible, they used the vowels of’adōnāiwith the consonants of Yhwh to express the divine name. As a result, when the Old Testament was translated into English, the word Jehovah was used to translate the divine name Yahweh...
There were other great Romantic poets around Europe too – Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Pushkin, Leopardi, etc – but I am less familiar with their work than I am with that of the English Romantics: these are still the poets I find myself reaching for first when I want to read poetry. ...