“I had a really bad infection in my mouth,” saysBrittany. “It was so painful that I could not sleep. Pain medication helpedtemporarily. I was sure that I needed another root canal. After hearing about oilpulling I decided to give it a try before going to the dentist. I began oilpu...
Coconut Oil Treatment and Cure for Cold Sores Oil Pulling – An Aid to my Tooth Infection Coconut Oil Detox – A New Year A Better You Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally Load more EDITOR PICKS Why I Chose doTERRA Essential Oils ...
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that may be beneficial to your oral health. We separate fact from fiction to find what oil pulling can and can't do.
Based on all feedback received for oil pulling (as seen on your oil pulling pages), I have created the following list of cures by oil pulling with various oils: 1. Sesame Oil Cleared vaginal infections Improved tooth, gum, mouth, and bad breath issues ...
oil pulling is good for oral health, many sources agree that the method is definitely an effective treatment for curing tooth decay, killingbad breath, and healing a wide variety of other ailments such as acne, dry throat, and inflammation. The benefits of coconut oil pulling are immense, in...
Unfortunately, root canals lead to the secretion of endotoxins directly into the blood, and while oil pulling may reduce some of the fall out from having an infected tooth, it will not resolve the underlying issue. Often, removal of the canaled tooth is the only permanent solution. ...
If you consider that each tooth in your mouth has between 1,000 and 100,000 bacteria living on it -- and that's a clean mouth -- anything to help reduce the bacterial load isn't necessarily a bad thing, right? One thing is for sure, though; if you're going to try oil pulling,...
Oregano oil can be added to coconut oil for oil pulling. Add 1 drop of oregano oil to 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil for oil pulling. Oregano oil used this way is especially useful for oral or tooth infections.Oregano oil can be used in the sinuses if it is very diluted! Add 1 drop ...
Using coconut oil for oil pulling reduces tartar and whitens teeth, in addition to the other benefits derived from oil pulling with coconut oil. You can also use coconut oil in toothpaste recipes or even by itself to clean teeth. Its antibacterial effects are quite helpful in the mouth for ...
Swish oil in the mouth for 5-10 minutes and spit it out. As simple as that! Can oil pulling help infected tooth? The process helps draw out bacteria and infection in the mouth, but research suggests it goes much further than that. The practice works as a natural cleansing process. How...