they were arguing Trump asked for a quid pro quo or potentially bribed the Ukrainian president. No evidence to corroborate those charges has been found, so now the House is charging the president with abuse of power and obstructing
Oil drilling has recently turned down in the USA (Figure 6). If shale oil production was to continue rising into the future, we would expect to see the rig number continuing to go up. It remains to be seen if the recent downturn in US oil drilling is temporary and what reasons lie be...
Thus also enabaling a fixed or absolute time for clocks and that problem of “slow down” etc that slowly accumulates to be hidden in the calander (ie leap years, leap centuries etc). But there are some things for which this spliting trick does not work. Few will have heard of ...
The 'peak demand' meme is one to keep in mind. Browsing through the Minerals databrowser you will see that the asbestos world production curve should make it a poster child for the HL method as it fits the logisitic curve better than most other minerals. The only problem is that peak ...
This could be very interesting as it has the potential to blow the cover off the "Peak Oil is Dead" meme. Alan from the islands rude crude on September 1, 2013 - 11:17am Permalink | Comments top Leanan, I just wanted to say thank you for your tireless efforts and a job well done...
That has it’s limits and will just break down the system after a while. As far as not trusting programmers, don’t get in a car, airplane, use a microwave, or most anything anymore, it’s all computer run on programming. Myself, I go with the field scientist and the data. ...
‘This is the Chinese century’ ‘talking-point meme’ is ‘so last century’. ‘u^ Nathanael 04/22/2017 at 7:19 pm You only see the tipping point in retrospect. Now that China controls all the major strategic industries in the world… *and* has the most statesmanlike government of ...
Most of the silver is gone, a lot down the drain with photography, although it is recovered from photography now. That is a shame because silver is the best electrical and heat conductor. If you want a highly efficient motor or generator you use silver windings. Same with electronics. Plati...
But it's another angle really on the "Positivity" meme. He gets to the root of the media/PTB's fear. Awakening of the Class struggle thingy. I love his prose though. Love this phrase; ...Let's get to the nub of this thing here: Obama, Hillary and McCain are farting through silk...
So far, I'm willing to declare Game Over for the ideas that we are all going to get rich designing each other's web pages (meme of the late 1990s) and flipping McMansions into an early and posh retirement (meme of the '00s). Peak conventional oil is suspected but not yet confirme...