今日词汇 tick down /tɪk daʊn/ phr. v. 逐渐减少 on the cusp of 将要进入特定状态的 cusp /kʌsp/ n. 尖头;尖端 drain /dreɪn/ v. 耗尽 withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ n. 提取 extrapolate /ɪkˈstræpəleɪt/ v. 推测 portfolio /pɔːrtˈfoʊlio...
This is why bubbles are increasingly pervasive in asset markets ranging from crypto to beachfront properties and meme stocks to tech start-ups. Summers, again, is just assuming, not demonstrating, his own preferred conclusion. A year ago, high unemployment was caused by the unique confluence of ...
This is why bubbles are increasingly pervasive in asset markets ranging from crypto to beachfront properties and meme stocks to tech start-ups. Summers, again, is just assuming, not demonstrating, his own preferred conclusion. A year ago, high unemployment was caused by the unique confluence of ...
During my highest grossing years, we’d made the mistake of buying a house that was a money pit and were bleeding out more than I made for two half college tuitions, not counting books and maintenance on what the two young men couldn’t cover with catch as can work. (Which was all ...
Democracy is the weaker meme. —– Ok JohnH, now let’s notice the flaw in your logic: “If the layperson realized that taxes and bonds are useless for Federal revenue, that would have an impact on how they interact with politicians (and others). One step closer to being able to ...
Now, as a general rule the Fed endogenizes reserves to maintain its FFR target and this seems to be the source of the ongoing meme that reserves don’t matter. But, if, other things being equal, the Fed decides to change its reserve policy it must change the FFR level required to ...
Most of the silver is gone, a lot down the drain with photography, although it is recovered from photography now. That is a shame because silver is the best electrical and heat conductor. If you want a highly efficient motor or generator you use silver windings. Same with electronics. Plati...
Now, as a general rule the Fed endogenizes reserves to maintain its FFR target and this seems to be the source of the ongoing meme that reserves don’t matter. But, if, other things being equal, the Fed decides to change its reserve policy it must change the FFR level required to ...