This set of 3rd grade spelling worksheets focuses on words with the -oi and -oy pattern. Word find, missing letters, writing sentences and more that include -oi and -oy words like coins, oil, choice, noise, point, voice, boy, toy, joy, enjoy, annoy, and
•Studentswillbe able toblend words with letters <oi>, <oy> and other sounds. •Studentswillbe able toread the following words:boy, spoil, coin, enjoy, point, toys, coiland show their understanding by matching pictures. •Studentswillbe able tospell words and sentences the teacher sounds...
SINGABOUTTEAMWORKUpwiththebrightsun, •Diphthongoi,oyGetalltheworkdone. SingtheSong“ShakethePapaya •BuildFluencyIfyouwillhelpme, Down”andhavechildrenadd •Spelling:Pretest:Wordswithoi,oyClimbupthetalltree, •ReadLet’sJoinJoy’sShow!versesandactoutjobsthatcanShakethepapayadown. ...
Blend the words with ss. Ask ss to read the sentences and talk about the pictures. Do a dictation. The children listen to the words and hold a finger for each sound. The children listen to the words again and write them down on the lines in their phonics pupil’s books. 设计意图:...
In each puzzle, identify the sounds and pictures with the children. T: What word is made if you put the sound(s) and word together? (You may need to say the sounds several times, each time blending the sounds together a bit more, before the children can hear the new words) e.g: ...
aI have many words to want to say to you, but I don't know how to speak? 我有许多词想要对您说,但我是否不会讲话?[translate] aIt good for your health to get out of the house for some fresh air.Some good examples are badminton and golf. 它好为了您的健康能离开房子为一些新鲜空气。一...
Match the pictures with the words. (图文配对。)1. gas 2. oil3. pipes4. engineer5. gym 6. helicopterbfB. Use words from A to complete these sentences.(用A部分的单词完成句子。1. Thesecarry water to all parts of the building.2. I go to thethree times a week to stay in shape.3....
the words in the box.任何事 每件事物;一切没有什么;没有一件东西anything everything nothing每人;人人;所有人 没有人everyone no one亲爱的比尔:Dear Bill,你的假期过得怎么样?你做过有趣的How was your vacation? Di d you do吗? 你家里和你一起去的interesting? Did in the family go with吗? 我...
childrenchorallyreadit.Modelblendinganywordschildrenmiss. Thenpointtowordsinrandomorderatvaryingspeedsforchildren tochorallyread. BuildFluency:ConnectedText CACONTENTCACONTENT■Havechildrenrereadwithapartner STANDARDSTANDARDWhichHolidayIsIt?andRoy’sRichSoilRoy’sRoy’sWhichHoliday R1.1.16R1.1.16 ReadaloudwithRe...
dogs, many too because the old ones stay with us until they die, all the many little things around, it's not only hobby which one you touch or leave, depending on the mood you're in, it's also not a profession. It's our whole living content or with other words, our dog world....