This page has printable phonics worksheets for teaching the diphthongs oi and oy. These vowel pairs are found in words like toy and boil.
This set of 3rd grade spelling worksheets focuses on words with the -oi and -oy pattern. Word find, missing letters, writing sentences and more that include -oi and -oy words like coins, oil, choice, noise, point, voice, boy, toy, joy, enjoy, annoy, and
•Students will be able to say and write several sentences on the topic of their favourite story. •Students will be able to complete the story they heard with given words. 二、教学重点 •能够看到字母组合。i, oy发出对应的音。 •能够快速且准确进行含有oi, oy单词的blending. •能够听...
blendsandlong-andblendsandlong-andCorrectiveFeedback short-vowelshort-vowelthesounds patterns,andblendpatterns,andblend thosesoundsintothosesoundsintotogether:/soil/.Let’sreadtheword recognizablewords.recognizablewords.Forchildrenneeding together.additionalpracticereading wordswithdiphthongsoi, Practiceoy,usethe/...
丽声快乐自然拼读教程4 Unit10 oi, oy 教案.docx,《丽声快乐自然拼读教程》(第四级) Unit 10 oi, oy教学设 一、教学目标 Students will be able to say the /oi/ sound when they see letters oi and oy. Students will be able to blend words with letters oi, oy and o
•Diphthongoi,oyGetalltheworkdone. SingtheSong“ShakethePapaya •BuildFluencyIfyouwillhelpme, Down”andhavechildrenadd •Spelling:Pretest:Wordswithoi,oyClimbupthetalltree, •ReadLet’sJoinJoy’sShow!versesandactoutjobsthatcanShakethepapayadown. ...
Day 4: Speed Reading and Word Sorting * Speed Reading (5 minutes): Continue the activity and record progress. * Task (6 minutes): Complete the sorting sheet with columns labeled by target sounds (e.g., ea, oy, a-e, i-e). Students sort a list of words into the appropriate...
•Students will be able to say and write several sentences on the topic of their favourite story. •Students will be able to complete the story they heard with given words. 二、教学重点 •能够看到字母组合。i, oy发出对应的音。 •能够快速且准确进行含有oi, oy单词的blending. •能够听...