Awareness of OHS Rights and Responsibilities: An Evaluation of a Trade Union Training CampaignTerri MylettJudith Stubbs
Stubbs, JudithMylett, TerriStewart, GordonHyland, Paul W
3. Rights and Responsibilities 4. General Conditions 5. Chemical Agents and Biological Agents 6. Substance Specific Requirements 7. Noise, Vibration, Radiation and Temperature 8. Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment 9. Confined Spaces 10. De-energization and Lockout 11...
3. Rights and Responsibilities 4. General Conditions 5. Chemical Agents and Biological Agents 6. Substance Specific Requirements 7. Noise, Vibration, Radiation and Temperature 8. Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment 9. Confined Spaces 10. De-energization and Locko...
Corporate policy should clarify what procedures to follow for many situations — including employees who cannot shave based on religious beliefs. The Canadian Human Rights Act notes that a policy prohibiting beards would constitute discrimination. For everyone else — they need to be clean shaven. ...
A tour of the work site was provided by the key informant, during which researchers observed the work environment and the activities of employees. The informant highlighted OHS features of the site and how these had changed over time. The workplaces were asked to provide documents related to OH...
OHS+Policy Occupational Health and Safety Policy We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. 2010 ABB Ltd.
suffer an injury at work or develop any serious health condition, their mental health will likely be affected by the challenges they’ll face, such as mobility issues, loss of independence, the need to depend on social and medical networks and inability to meet their previous responsibilities. ...
TerriUniversityofStubbsUniversityofJudithUniversityofEBSCO_bspEmployment Relations RecordMylett, T. and Stubbs, J., 2006. "Awareness of OHS Rights and Responsibilities: An Evaluation of a Trade Union Training Campaign", Employment Relations Record, 6(1), 1-22....