- Establishment of clear roles and responsibilities for OHS within the organization. 3. Worker Participation: - Engagement of workers in decision-making processes regarding OHS. - Existence of mechanisms to enable worker participation, consultation, and representation in OHS matters. 4. Hazard Identifica...
Any comprehensive respirator protection program requires a number of specific elements. Procedures should be available for selecting respirators appropriate for the work being done, for proper use of respirators, for fit testing, and roles and responsibilities of workplace parties. Additional elements of...
“With respect to the question of whether or not scaffolds can be used as anchorage points for personal fall arrest systems, please be advised that we understand the Scaffold Industry Association and the Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute are concerned that scaffolds and scaffold components have...
Although researchers sent a list of roles and some could only be filled by one specific individual (e.g., JHSC worker co-chair), others were more generic and could be filled by several individuals (e.g., long-tenure front-line worker). To the extent that the key informant had latitude...
The Framework describes how palliative care is provided in Canada, the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and organizations involved, and lays out the purpose of the framework. Part II sets out the collective vision for palliative care in Canada: that all Canadians with life-limiting ...