Field of Corn has puzzled visitors to Ohio for over 30 years. Field of Giant Corn Dublin, Ohio Rising from an otherwise empty field in a northwest suburb of Columbus, a crop of giant white corn-on-the-cobs puzzle the average onlooker. Did an ancient volcano erupt and fossilize these ...
Officially titled “Field of Corn (with Osage Oranges),” this larger than life is the work of sculpture, Malcolm Cochran. The artwork stands on a previously farmed property which has been since renamed Frantz Park after the family who once lived and worked there. Full of symbolism of the f...
The IBMA calls its late September World of Bluegrass convention the “family reunion” of the music, and they‘re not far wrong. The IBMA has grown to two thousand members and now represents virtually every band, agent, record company and promoter in the field. From Monday through Sunday ten...
They went along a path past a field of corn that had not yet been cut. The wind whispered among the dry corn blades. For a moment during the walk back into town the spell that held them was broken. When they had com e to the crest of Waterworks Hill they stopped by a tree and ...
Edge-of-Field Monitoring Tests Conservation Practices Ohio State Apiarist Speaks For the Bees Ohio Conservation Districts Celebrate 75 years How Ohio’s Nutrient Management Tools are Helping Farmers How One Ohio Farmer is Making High-Quality Compost Out of Organic Materials ...
Continuous declines in atmospheric sulfur (S) deposition along with increased S removal rates with crop harvest has the potential to lead to S deficiency in Ohio field crops. As a result, S fertilization has become more common over the past decade. However, the extent of S deficiency is ...
We also tune in for Dale’s conversation with Tadd Nicholson of Ohio Corn & Wheat about the Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute. Joel Penhorwood hears from Ben Brown of the University of Missouri following his talk at the Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Field Day with a look at the ...
The MAiZE Field of Fright Putnam County's Haunted Cornfield Dayton Scream Park Cedar Point HalloWeekends Honey Haven Fall Festival Regal Vineyards Haunted Winery & Corn Maze Riverside Jaycees Haunted Castle of Carnage & Trail Eerie Acres Farm Haunted House Brimstone Haunt Panic In The Pines Field ...
Most years the corn is 7'-10' tall and you can't see through or over it. However, occasionally, drought or severe wind events limit the height or blow some of the field down. Please don't hold mother nature's uncooperative behavior against the farmer.Also, if you do visit, as a ...
Ohio’s farms are diverse in more than just size. Poultry, cattle and calves, soybeans, corn, pork, and dairy top the state’s commodity list in terms of production value, but you’ll also find blueberries, strawberries, sweet corn, honeybees, chestnuts, sunflowers and more. In fact, th...