hybrids with maturity ratings earlier than those of hybrids commonly grown in Ohio (hereafter referred to as "ultra〆arly" hybrids) might offer advantages in cover cropping systems by promoting an earlier corn harvest. Earlier harvest would facilitate earlier planting of cover crops or small grains ...
(玉米也叫印第安玉米或玉米(来自西班牙语单 词'maiz'。 ) "以及后一句"C'orn was first grown in Merico about 10000 years ago. (玉米最早在 10000年前的墨西哥种植。 )“可知,本段是在介 绍玉米的一些基本信息。 结合选项可知,只有A 项"It is part of the grass family.(它是草家 族的一员。 )“...
Jason, the founder of Custom Corntoss, is originally from Ohio where the game is thought to originate. When Custom Corntoss was founded, the term cornhole had not yet been popularized. The game now has grown in popularity andpersonalized custom cornhole boardsandcornhole setsare very much in ...
1.【答案】A【解析】根据前一句“Corn is also called Indian corn or maize--from the Spanish word 'maiz'.(玉米也叫印第安玉米或玉米(来自西班牙语单词‘maiz'。)”以及后一句“Corn was first grown in Mexico about 10000 years ago.(玉米最早在10000年前的墨西哥种植。)”可知,本段是在介绍玉米的一些...
key values to focus on. The soil test numbers help us understand soil nutrient holding and exchange capacity, the need for lime, and whether we should invest in fertilizer. Table 1 shows those key parameters and a range of values desirable for most grain and forage crops grown in Ohio. ...
In 1988, six corn hybrids differing for endosperm characteristics were grown at two locations in Ohio and with two N rates, 34 and 200 kg/ha. The waxy hybrid had a greater concentration of fraction I protein than the non鈥恮ary hybrid. These two hybrids did not differ for other fractions...
1. D 事实细节题根据第一段中的Corn was first grown in Mexico about 10,000 years ago.可知答 案。 2. B 事实细节题根据第二段中的Drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi has corn sweeteners.可知答 案。 3. A 事实细节题根据第三段中的There is an area called the “Corn Belt" in the US.可知...
One of the 10 Best Corn Mazes in Ohio in 2022! Not only that, we are also one of the 17 Most Incredible Ohio Corn Mazes to Get Lost In! ILoveHalloween.com has named us one of the America's Must See Corn Mazes of 2017 & one of the Must See Pumpkin Patches Throughout the U.S...
3. A. It is an area in the US. 第三段介绍了美国“玉米带”这一地区。 4. C. 贵重的 第四段提到早期移民用玉米作为货币,说明玉米在当时非常珍贵。 5. A. Corn can be grown in many colors. 最后一段描述了玉米的不同颜色,强调了玉米的多样性。
In some societies, there are what seem to be small aspects of that society that create huge impacts on the social, economic and technological development of that society. For the people of Ohio, corn is an example of one such aspect. Even before the arrival of the Europeans, corn played ...