按照一些网络上的incr插件教程,在oh-my-zsh中配置incr插件能正确工作,但是最新版的oh-my-zsh却会报错[oh-my-zsh] plugin 'incr' not found。 根本原因在于在新版的oh-my-zsh.sh文件中,41-48行的代码会首先将所有的个性化插件和用户选择系统插件的路径添加到变量$fpath中,如果你的插件的文件名没有按照43行或...
1. 确认zsh-autosuggestions插件是否已经安装 首先,您需要确认zsh-autosuggestions插件是否已经安装到您的系统中。这通常可以通过检查oh-my-zsh的插件目录来完成。默认情况下,oh-my-zsh的插件目录位于~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/。您可以使用以下命令来查看该目录中是否存在zsh-autosuggestions目录: bash ls ~/.oh-my-...
Add the plugin to the list of plugins for Oh My Zsh to load (inside ~/.zshrc): plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions) Start a new terminal session. 参考链接 Warning: plugin zsh-syntax-highlighting not found To be fair zsh-users has proper installation instructions depending on OS for each of t...
3.更新 .zshrc source ~/.zshrc zsh-autosuggestions 1.下载安装 highlighting git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions 2.配置 .zshrc, 在 ~/. zshrc中加入以下代码� plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions) 3.更新 .zshrc ...
oh-my-zsh nvm command not found 如果你在使用 oh-my-zsh 并且在终端输入 nvm 命令时提示 "command not found",这可能是因为 oh-my-zsh 没有配置 nvm 插件导致的。 首先,确保你已经在系统中安装了 nvm。如果没有安装,请参考 nvm 的文档安装。
Warning: plugin zsh-syntax-highlighting not found To be fair zsh-users has proper installation instructions depending on OS for each of those plugins zsh-autosuggestions/INSTALL.md
Hello, I've updated my OhMyZsh yesterday (i did it because it told me there is an update on terminal boot up). And today after rebooting and starting a terminal i get the two following warnings. Warning: plugin autosuggestions not found ...
# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH # Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. export ZSH="/Users/jianpengfei/.oh-my-zsh" # Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will # load a random...
在安装完oh-my-zsh以后新建终端输入node或是npm会出现command not found:npm的情况,原因是因为不能够找到npm的环境,一开始我参考了一下网上的一些博客的方法,有点醉,完全被带偏,配置文件改的不忍直视,所以…
安装oh-my-zsh后,安装vue等在命令行输入显示command not found问题,解决方法如下:首先讲一下问题原因:zsh的配置文件.zshrc 没有配置相关环境...