This wiki is automatically published fromohmyzsh/wiki. To edit this page,go toohmyzsh/wiki, make your changes and submit a Pull Request. Oh My Zsh comes bundled with plugins, which allow you to take advantage of functionality of many sorts to your shell just by enabling them. They are ...
# 添加plugin, 按照对应方式安装 plugins=(git ... ... ) # 设置zsh为默认的shell chsh -s /bin/zsh # 添加alias 到 ~/.zshrc alias vi='vim' alias zshconfig='vi ~/.zshrc' alias vimconfig='vi ~/.vimrc' # 卸载 oh-my-zsh uninstall_oh_my_zsh zsh zsh 的一些骚气操作 1. 兼容 bash,...
oh-My-Zsh-plugins Oh My Zsh 除了为我们提供快捷的命令行操作之外,还提供了强大丰富的插件机制,每个社区贡献者都可以贡献自己的插件,让整个生态体系更加丰富完善。今天给大家介绍了一下它的实用工具类插件。 前面我们分别介绍过了 Oh My Zsh 的基本用法和它的 git 插件,有兴趣的同学也可以查看前面的文章: Oh M...
记录一下 zsh 的下载与配置,省得每次重装系统都要上网到处查。 安装zsh shell sudo apt install zsh 切换shell chsh -s /bin/zsh 安装oh-my-zsh sh -c"$(curl -fsSL"# 或者sh -c"$(wget Aliases Alias Command g git ga git add gaa git add --all gapa git add --patch gau git add -
One of the best ways to enhance your Z shell experience is to use oh my zsh, a community-driven framework that makes it easy to manage your ZSH configuration. oh my zsh comes with a curated list of plugins that can be easily installed and managed, as well as a powerful theming engine...
Environment Linux Reproduction steps 1. Install a oh-my-zsh plugin that uses caching. E.g. docker and last-working-dir 2. Try using them. In the case of last-working-dir, change directories. In the case of docker, just loading the prompt...
export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=1 Note: You can change the day according to your choice. Once done, you must save the file and reload it using the source command. How to Turn Off Upgrade Custom Plugins on Oh My Zsh? You can turn off the upgrade custom plugin on Oh My Zsh, you can add the... MacOS Plugin Previously named OSX, this plugin provides a few utilities to make it more enjoyable on macOS. To start using it, add the macos plugin to your plugins array in “~/.zshrc”: ...
So what I did here is hand-picked the top 7 zsh plugins for you! 📋 I am not including the installation steps for the plugins here. You can use Oh My Zsh or install them directly. The steps can be found on their respective repositories. 1. Syntax highlighting Syntax highlighting is...