vim D:\Users\xxxx\oh-my-posh\themes\bubblesextra.omp.json进入上图theme配置文件 搜索python在properties字段中,增加如下字段 "display_mode":"environment","fetch_virtual_env":true,"home_enabled":true 图2. 修改theme配置 3. 重开新标签页,旧标签页中不会生效 重开新标签页后,就会发现conda env name出...
1、oh-my-posh已经不再支持PowerShell module,我们可以在官网看见这个标签页已经入土了 进棺材了哈哈好似喵 2、配置完了以后不显示conda环境名称: 这个主要是由于配置问题,查看你的.opm.json文件,找到segments中type为python的那个部分,我们可以看到几个常见的元凶,让你无法看到你的conda环境,即使你已经配好了: "...
"properties": { "command": "conda activate base", "leading_icon": " " } }, But nothing change. I can't see conda env. From thedocs: {"type":"python","style":"powerline","powerline_symbol":"\uE0B0","foreground":"#100e23","background":"#906cff","template":" \uE235 ...
Remove-Item Env:https_proxy } #region conda initialize # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! (& "C:\Users\ricardo.DESKTOP-N6OVBK5\Programs\miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe" "shell.powershell" "hook") | Out-String | Invoke-Expression #endregion Import-Module posh-...
oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config $env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/jandedobbeleer.omp.json | Invoke-Expression If anyone reads this thread, I had a 17s startup time. I put an exeption on Windows defender for oh-my-posh.exe (scoop), and I used this line to initate oh-my-posh on ...
第一条命令表示导入 posh-git 第二条命令表示导入 oh-my-posh 分别使用以下命令使得配置生效: # git init conda init powershell # 注意:这里必须加上 powershell 主题配置(这里以 robbyrussel 为例) 官方主题: ...
oh-my-poshinitpwsh--config"$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/jandedobbeleer.omp.json"|Invoke-Expression 这意味着每次启动 PowerShell 时,都会自动执行上述命令。该命令中引用的 JSON 文件是 Oh My Posh 的主题配置文件。 Oh My Posh 内置了众多主题,大家可以根据个人偏好选择喜爱的一款。如果想浏览所有预设主题的样式,...
But I found a question. When I start bash on Ubuntu with Windows Terminal, oh-my-posh seems not work immediately. I can run oh-my-posh by doing "exec bash" after starting the bash. In the second picture, I can successly run Powershell with oh-my-posh, but after I started bash of...
oh-my-posh debug --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH\powerlevel10k_classic.lz.omp.json"outputing Version: 14.0.2 Segments: ConsoleTitle(false) - 0 ms - os(true) - 1 ms - root(false) - 0 ms - path(true) - 0 ms - ~ git(false) - 3 ms - ...