1、oh-my-posh已经不再支持PowerShell module,我们可以在官网看见这个标签页已经入土了 进棺材了哈哈好似喵 2、配置完了以后不显示conda环境名称: 这个主要是由于配置问题,查看你的.opm.json文件,找到segments中type为python的那个部分,我们可以看到几个常见的元凶,让你无法看到你的conda环境,即使你已经配好了: "...
powershell中conda activate xx正常 window powershell with powershell中conda activate xx没有反应, 查看 python 解释器信息也没有如预期改变。 背景知识:cmd, windows powershell 和oh my posh三者的关系 cmd和powershell同类产品,都是脚本语言+命令行解释器; cmd是windows系统自带的命令行解释器,powershell是基于.NE...
no longer use the PowerShell module but install oh-my-posh using Winget/Scoop. This, only when adding the oh-my-posh import line brings startup time below 1 second. oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config Z:\.jandedobbeleer.omp.json | Invoke-Expression Additionally, the same $prof...
修改robbyrussel 主题的配置文件,因为默认的配置文件使用 conda init 之后还是无法显示当前使用的虚拟环境, {"$schema":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json","blocks":[{"type":"prompt","alignment":"left","segments":[{"type":"python","style":"pl...
vscode下遇到了命令提示符带有一串未知字符的问题,尝试get-poshthemes发现没有出现这些字符,于是判断可能是powershell的profile.ps1中主题相关的文件配置出了问题,打算换个主题。修改了profile.ps1文件之后,windows terminal下powershell可以正常生效,但是vscode却不行,经过一番搜索之后,发现vscode中需要指定默认powershell启动...
But I found a question. When I start bash on Ubuntu with Windows Terminal, oh-my-posh seems not work immediately. I can run oh-my-posh by doing "exec bash" after starting the bash. In the second picture, I can successly run Powershell with oh-my-posh, but after I started bash of...
可以看到当前用户、当前目录以及conda 的环境名称及 python 版本。最后一个对我来说比较实用。 2. 准备工作 2.1 安装 Powershell 7 相比于 Windows 默认提供的 Powershell,Powershell 7 拥有以下几个优势: 支持跨平台使用,增强了其灵活性和适用范围。
Conda environment doesn't display -- only see Python version. Using the powelevel10k_classic, and just installed oh-my-posh today (so it's the latest) I'm rather new, so forgive me if I've overlooked something obvious. The python segment is in the theme file. The resulting prompt incl...
This conda bug happens for Git Bash only, no matter if I use Git Bash inside of VS Code, Windows Terminal, ConEmu or Git Bash app itself. I also verified that it occurs for any Oh My Posh theme (not just my custom one), and it happens on every of my Windows machine (3 of ...
(false) - 0 ms Run duration: 35.6118ms Cache path: C:\Users\jgj.it\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh Config path: C:\Users\jgj.it\OneDrive - CBS - Copenhagen Business School\PoshTheme\montys_jgj.omp.json Logs: [DEBUG] 15:32:13.029 shell.go:Getenv:392  NO DATA [TRACE] ...