框起来的是你要用的主题名 安装oh-my-posh时自带的主题的预览请去wiki看,如果打不开试试看科学上网,wiki主题预览: https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/themes 也可以去github上找自己想要的主题,下载.json文件后放入以下地址: C:/Users/用户名/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes 然后在$PROFILE中输入对应主题...
这里是直接安装oh-my-posh3了,按照官方文档这应该是最简便的安装方式了,一键式安装oh-my-posh.exe和最新的themes. winget install oh-my-posh 因为是从github上进行下载,所以下载的时候需要科学上网. 5 oh-my-posh使用配置 主要是进行启动脚本的配置和theme的配置 Change your prompt | Oh My Poshohmyposh...
1.安装 oh-my-posh oh-my-posh 在powershell里运行winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget 2. 设置powershell的profile 打开一个powershell窗口,执行New-Item -Path $PROFILE -Type File -Force来创建一个新的profile, 再执行notepad $PROFILE用记事本打开它。 写入以下行: &([ScriptBlock]::Crea...
Start Windows PowerShell 5.x or PowerShell >= v6 (pwsh). Execute one of the following two commands from an elevated PowerShell prompt, depending on whether (A) you’ve never installed posh-git, or (B) you’ve already installed a previous version: (A) You’ve never installed posh-git ...
If you want to create a theme it can be done rather easily by adding a mytheme.psm1 file in the folder indicated in $ThemeSettings.MyThemesLocation (the folder defaults to ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\PoshThemes, feel free to change it). The only required function is Write-Theme. You ca...
Hi, I'm just discovering WindTerm and love it. I just have one thing with the oh-my-posh displaying. oh-my-posh is use to display some informations about the current folder like git branch, git status, python venv informations etc. This ...
Import-Moduleposh-git Import-Moduleoh-my-posh Set-PoshPrompt-ThemeParadox Now that word Paradox there is optional. It'sactually the name of a theme and you can (and should!) pick the themethat makes you happy and use that theme's name here. I like Agnoste...
https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/lib/history.zsh## History command configuration setopt extended_history # record timestamp of command in HISTFILE setopt hist_expire_dups_first # delete duplicates first when HISTFILE size exceeds HISTSIZE setopt hist_ignore_dups # ignore duplicated ...
Windows | Oh My Posh Linux | Oh My Posh macOS | Oh My Posh 设置随机主题,每天都有惊喜 poershell 在powershell输入code $profile,输入下面的脚本命令: $theme=Get-ChildItem$env:UserProfile\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\oh-my-posh\\themes\\|Get-Randomecho"hello! today's lucky theme is: $theme...
oh-my-poshinitpwsh--config"$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/amro.omp.json"|Invoke-Expression 4. 自定义主题 Oh My Posh 的所有主题文件都存放在以下路径中: C:\Users\<用户名>\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes 11 可以在该目录下创建一个新文件,或对现有的主题进行修改。首张图片展示的主题是基于amro...