使用Oh My Posh 自定义 WSL 提示符 使用Terminal-Icons 添加缺少的文件夹或文件图标 其他资源 哦, My Posh为提供 Git 状态颜色编码和提示的完全自定义命令提示符体验提供主题功能。 如果只想自定义终端的配色方案或外观,可以在Windows 终端设置中执行此操作(无需安装 Oh My Posh 主题)。
What I learned is not all Fonts are as "complete" as you'd want, but if you find one, there's no hacking or alterations needed. Just installing using this font Delugia this fixed all my issues with pwsh (PowerShell 7.x) and Windows. I've tested in Windows Terminal and VS Code. h...
How do I enable nerd font in Windows Terminal? To use a Nerd Font with Oh My Posh and Terminal Icons, follow these steps: Open the Windows Terminal settings UI by clicking on Settings (Ctrl+,) in your Windows Terminal dropdown menu. Choose the profile where you want to apply the font ...
oh-my-posh3及oh-my-zsh提示prompt出现乱码的原因及使用Nerd字体的解决方法 本篇是从oh-my-posh3写起的,但是对oh-my-zsh也适用。 笔者之前使用oh-my-posh(V2)为Windows窗口设置powerline字体成功实现了powerline等主题的效果,然而更新至oh-my-posh3后发现agnoster等多个主题在PowerShell、Fluent Terminal、Windows...