For more information see theonline manual. The manual can build on Linux using Doxygen: cd build/Debug ninja OgreDoc Resolving Merge Conflicts in 3.0 Users who run a customized version of Ogre-Next may found rebasing to the latest version a near impossible job due to the sheer amount of min...
For more information see theonline manual. The manual can build on Linux using Doxygen: cd build/Debug ninja OgreDoc Resolving Merge Conflicts in 3.0 Users who run a customized version of Ogre-Next may found rebasing to the latest version a near impossible job due to the sheer amount of min...
A steel utility vehicle designed for adventure, whether you’re going to the store or the next time zone. The Ogre is an ideal year-round commuter bike.
For more information, see themanual SeeSW & HW Requirements Seeplatforms supported SeeOgre 2.1 FAQ SeeWhat's new in Ogre 2.2 This is a maintenance release Fix assert false positive when Normal or Roughnes Map isn't found [macOS] Backport fixes to fix build errors ...
Ogre-Next 源码编译及项目构建 Tanmika 一般通过檀木筪 因最近一段工作需要, 使用了Ogre-Next渲染引擎, 作为一个火在10年前的开源引擎的现代化迭代版本, Ogre-Next比起Ogre实现了很多现代化的特性, 譬如可编程渲染管路之类的, 但大刀阔… 阅读全文 ...
这篇文章中,我们会进入范例V2Mesh,尽管加载网格之前的几篇文章中已经有过涉及,这篇文章算是专注于理解Ogre的Mesh格式,以及提醒各位读者V1命名空间的存在。 OGRE2或者叫OGRE-NEXT,他的第一个版本大概是七八年前就发布了,但就算现在到了2.2,还是存在v1命名空间,即相当多一部分属于OGRE1的代码,特别的,在网格的部分...
Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap* settings = seci.getNext(); Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i; for(i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i) { typeName = i->first; archName = i->second; Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(archName, ...
createImpl(name, getNextHandle(), group, isManual, loader, params)); if (params) ret->setParameterList(*params); addImpl(ret); // Tell resource group manager ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton()._notifyResourceCreated(ret); return ret; ...
Next we need to get a pointer to the render tar 15、get of this texture in order to set some parameters. It will also be used later to add a RenderTargetListener.接下来我们需要获得一只指针指向纹理的渲染目标以便我们设定一些参数,同时待会也会用于添加RenderTargetListener()渲染目标监听器:Ogre:...
渲染到纹理,左眼使用主相机mCamera,需另创建右眼相机 //左眼纹理Ogre::TexturePtr textureLeft = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual("textureLeft", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, mWindow->getWidth(), mWindow->getHeight(),0, Ogre::PF_R8...