例如,我们可以通过定义一个宏来打印结构体成员的偏移量: c #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #define PRINT_OFFSET(type, member) \ printf("Offset of " #member " in " #type ": zu\n", offsetof(type, member)); 然后,我们可以调用`PRINT_OFFSET`宏来打印结构体成员的偏移量。例如:...
offsetof「offsetof函数 c语言」 1、printfquotoffset of iVal in t %p\nquot, offsetofTest, iValprintfquotoffset of iVal2 in t %p\nquot, offsetofTest, iVal2printfquot\naddress of t2 %p\naddress of t2ch %p\naddress of t2。 2、type * char *__mptr offsetoftype,member 2 typeof是GNU C的...
offsetof offsetof的标准实现如下,其被定义在stddef.h中: #defineoffsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER) offsetof宏的计算发生在编译阶段。 GCC编译器还为此提供一个内置函数__builtin_offsetof以提高编译效率: #defineoffsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) container_of...
它是GCC编译器提供的一个内置函数,用于实现C和C++标准指定的offsetof宏:GCC-抵销f 它返回POD结构体/...
【C语言】为什么存在内存对齐、如何修改默认对齐数、offsetof() - 查询偏移量。 🚩write in front🚩 🔎大家好,我是謓泽,希望你看完之后,能对你有所帮助,不足请指正!共同学习交流🔎 🏅2021年度博客之星物联网与嵌入式开发TOP5~2021博客之星TOP100~2022博客之星TOP63~作者周榜84﹣作者总榜704~阿里云...
它是GCC编译器提供的一个内置函数,用于实现C和C++标准指定的offsetof宏:GCC-抵销f 它返回POD结构体/...
Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority). - cbuilder: ad
它是GCC编译器提供的内置函数,用于实现C和C ++标准指定的 offsetof宏: 海湾合作委员会 - 抵消 它...
The offsetof macro returns the offset in bytes of memberName from the beginning of the structure specified by structName as a value of type size_t. You can specify types with the struct keyword.Pastaba offsetof is not a function and cannot be described using a C prototype....
In 13.4.5 Address space layout constraints: https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#address-space-layout-constraints we have the rule: OffsetOfMember(S, M) = k × RequiredAlignOf(T, C) Where k is a positive integer and M is a member of stru...