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NATA 2025 Exam Centers List of CitiesThe NATA examination will be conducted in 135 cities in India. The table below lists the exam centres for the NATA entrance exam 2025.State City Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada Visakhapatnam Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar Assam Guwahati Bihar Patna / Gaya Chandigarh ...
The Kojiki and Nihonshiki, the oldest Japanese historical accounts, describe a satsuma tree native to Assam, India, being brought to Japan from China in the 9th century, by order of the emperor. Other sources say the tree might have arrived from Southeast Asia, and then was cultivated in th...
the world must deliver on its commitment to restore at least one billion degraded hectares of land in the next decade – an area about the size of China. Countries also need to add similar commitments for oceans, according to a new report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Foo...
Heidi and I first heard Tim's music when our son was in the University of Minnesota Marching Band and we had season tickets to football games. All the students young and old fans were jumping up and down. Wake Me Up pulls you in and hooks you it is so eloquent and inspiring. We are...
Teaser of Abhyanthara Kuttavali out:Watch video here Confluence of tradition, technology: Harvard professors highlight experiences, insights from Maha Kumbh Fact Check: Is wearing AirPods like having a microwave on your head? Video of Marathi actor falsely shared as Delhi Chief Miniater Rekha Gupta...
Website:http://www.nimtonline.com Address:Branch Office: NIMT, F-17,Third Floor,Opposite NDPL Office,Hudson Lane,Vijay Nagar,Delhi-110009 Phone:011 31928111/222/333 Mobile:09266581555/2555 Approved courses from UGC, AICTE, DLE, NCIE we also provide courses from Nagpur University ...