The Gauhati University Campus harbors a large variety of avian fauna as it is located very near to the Deepor Beel Ramsar site. We surveyed the Campus for a period of three years from January 2007 up to December 2009. Data were collected using distance sampling methods wherever appropriate. ...
Active Fault and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Research Institute, Pukyong National University, 45, Yongso-ro, Nam-Gu, Busan, 48513, Republic of Korea Sambit Prasanajit Naik National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560012, India Asmita Mohanty ...
Correspondence to: Dipanjan Chakraborty, Department of Commerce Assam University, Diphu campus. Abstract India is the fastest growing economy of the world but still there is a large area of darkness in the rural hinterland. Over 70% percent of our population lives in V...
45'E).TheZoohasalandareaofabout130ha.,surrounded bytwopicturesquehills.Theoptimumtemperatureis24 o Cwith averagerainfallof136.43cm.TheZooisdesignedforpresenting allaspectsofnaturalhistoryandAnimalHusbandryinan appropriatesetting. Duetoitsdiversifiedhabitat,butterfliesfromdifferentfamilies ...
ICFS India has a sprawling building campus with 1500 sq. yards area for Practical and Drills, including a two story Smoke / Fire Chamber as well as has all the latest equipment for rigorous training required to achieve excellence in Fire Safety. ...
The Assam University Campus Network is connected to servers, high-end switches, nodes, and wireless devices (AUCN). Additionally, the second campus in Diphu is included in AUCN.GymnasiumThere is a well-equipped gym that is available to both men and women. Students, educators, and interested ...