为了让用户自动在其邮箱中看到新的保留标记,您必须将其添加到其现有的保留策略中。为此,请运行以下命令将新的保留标记添加到默认保留策略中。# Specify the retention policy and retention tag.$retentionPolicy = ‘Default MRM Policy’$policyTag = ‘Permanently Delete Items After 24 Days’# Get existing ret...
Microsoft 365 提供預設 保留原則 (也稱為 預設MRM 原則)。 若要檢查環境中是否有這些原則,請執行下列 Cmdlet:PowerShell 複製 Get-RetentionPolicy | fl Name 例如,此 Cmdlet 的輸出如下所示:主控台 複製 Name : Default MRM Policy Name : Contoso-Default-Retention-Policy 若要查看信箱上設定的原則,請執行...
NOTE:If you have applied retention policy forOffice 365 Groups, then it will include both mailboxes and sites. Conclusion Until now, you have read about retention policy, how it works, and how it is created. You also got to know that retention policy works for a specific time period and ...
適用於 Office 365 的 Microsoft Defender有兩個不同的訂用帳戶:方案1和方案2。 如果您在 有 威脅總管https://security.microsoft.com/threatexplorer ,則會有方案 2。 否則,您在 https://security.microsoft.com/realtimereports方案1中會有即時偵測。 您的適用於 Office 365 的 Defender訂用帳戶會影響可供您...
Creating Office 365 Retention Policy using Microsoft PurviewSome organizations may need more than the predefined default retention policies and want to add new ones. Here’s an example of how to create a new Office 365 retention policy.First, log in to the Microsoft Purview admin center and ...
您無法修改名為 AdminOnlyAccessPolicy、DefaultFullAccessPolicy 或 DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy 的預設隔離原則。在Microsoft Defender 入口網站https://security.microsoft.com的中,移至 Email & 共同作業>原則 & 規則>[規則] 區段中的[隔離>原則]。 或者,若要直接移至 [隔離 原則] 頁面,請使用 https...
As part of the Office 365 data governance framework, tenants can now create retention policies that apply to the mailbox and team site belonging to Office...
Specify ‘What’ you want to apply the policy to, by default it’s off for Skype and Teams Data, and Exchange public folders strangely? > Next. Review the settings > Create this policy. Office 365 Retention Policies via PowerShell
Now, it’s time to put your retention tag(s) into action. This can be done through configuring an MRM (messaging records management) archive policy. Essentially, there are two approaches you can take: Update the default MRM retention policy in Microsoft 365 (easier) ...
Defender for Office 365 Plan 1 Defender for Office 365 Plan 2 By default, data across different features is retained for a maximum of 30 days. However, for some of the features, you can specify the retention period based on policy. See the following table for the different retention periods...