The NanoCan Trash Can (also called the "money trash can") is labeled as functional off the grid, but unfortunately does not work at all on off-the-grid lots. This mod fixes this issue, so the trash can's generator feature can be used to power off-the-grid households. Mod Functionalit...
and the sims never appear (and no sims ever do). I've done some in-depth troubleshooting, and the only way to resolve this seems to be to bulldoze the entire house (something I would prefer to avoid). I did an in-depth investigation and found the ...
Not sure. But for me when it happened my lot was off the grid and I added a water source (wishing well) What happens when the bug occurs?The sink was broken and my Sim gathered water from the well. The sink just will not finish repairing. my Sim tried repairing it for ho...
3.进入存放下载Ofice的文件夹,鼠标左键双击Setup,就可以启动Office安装特别注意外面的setup是默认启动 如果是32位系统的亲们需要点击文件offcie选择32位的安装包 4.进 分享1赞 机械键盘吧 滴答不滴答 第一次买机械键盘,迈从K99,这算翻车吗昨天刚到货K99,档位调节上,2.4G想关闭,必须先到OFF档再到BT挡,不能一...
I prefer the static levels in a game like Defense Grid, where if you are having problems on the 17th map you know that the problem is your strategy on that map, and not a bunch of mistakes you made several missions ago. I might recommend it for $5 if you like the...
In Sims 4 Seasons, the holiday "Talk like a Pirate Day" Occurs, usually sometime in the fall Season. The bug occurs when the shower text is replaced with pirate themed phrases when the current lot has the off the grid trait in Sims 4 island living.What happens when the ...
4 Replies Replies have been turned off for this discussion Aramiteus 3 years ago Not only off the grid. I looked at my bills for power consumption while making coffee. Went up by 21$ while the coffe brewing itself costs only 8$. ...
I have no cc or mods,never used them in sims4,in case you r wondering, have all packs,except tiny living and eco life, I've been playing since birth of sims1, Actually i've been playing video games since pong was invented, yes i'm very old still playing sims, i am the last...
TheSimsDirect The Sims Team to PipMenace2 years ago Hello All,Are we still seeing this bug on the latest game version? Because, we are not able to reproduce this bug on the latest game version. If anyone of you are still encountering this on the latest game version (without m...