Gucci发布首个秉承可持续精神的数字化复刻时尚系列——《模拟人生4》游戏中的Gucci Off The Grid系列单品。 阅读更多 点击购买本系列 相关故事 Gucci Off The Grid:回归自然的树屋生活方式 查看此项 古驰推出首个可持续系列OFF THE GRID 查看此项 分享 所有 ...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Build Buy Off-The-Grid options What happens when the bug occurs?You have the Auld Crow Wood-Burning Cookstove and the Kitchen Witch Stove listed as functional Off-The-Grid, but neither one have the Cook Off-The-Grid option like the cheaper stove ...
My sims cannot travel home to their home lot on 2 Olde Mill Lane. An exception occurs when trying to load the lot, and the sims never appear (and no sims ever do). I've done some in-depth troubleshooting, and the only way to resolve this seems to be to bulldoze the ent...
我已为你们整理好,请查收模拟人生3/SIMS3]秘籍/作弊码 要在游戏中输入密技,首先要使用 Ctrl+Shift+C 开启指令输入介面,也可按下 Enter 或 Esc 按键来关闭指令输入介面,以下是部分在游戏中可使用的秘技: help:列出所有游戏中可用密技。 help <密技名称>:显示特定密技的相关资讯。 quit:离开游戏。 <上方向...
Based on these questions, an extensive bibliographic search was carried out and analyses were performed using the GRADE approach. The recommendations were formulated according to the GRADE methodology and then voted on by all the experts according to the GRADE grid method. Results The SFAR/SFCTCV ...
(1997), coordinates in Swedish national grid RT 90. Sulphide deposits: F – Fredriksberg and Krongruvan, Å – Årset, K – Karl XV, H – Hökhult. Samples labelled F0001-F0031 are indicated on a map with only last figures. The intrusive contact between the Fröderyd Group and...
$50 off for the first time ever onXbox One Xat Microsoft Store and participating retailers.If you haven’t upgraded to an Xbox One X yet now is the time, with its first-ever discount – $50 off June 07*– June 23. Get deals on Xbox One X enhanced titles like Sea of Thieves, FIFA...
We might live off grid, but modern life demands—or at least strongly suggests—a digital connection to the wider world. There’s a reason, after all, that nigh on 50% of the population globally owns a smart phone. While we do have some cell coverage where our yurt is located in ...
Subsequently, the optimal parameters of different vibration control devices are determined in Section 3. With a practical case of an offshore substation subjected to wave loads, the control performances of different vibration control devices are compared in Section 4. Finally, the conclusions are ...
The dense spray is calculated with the Eulerian spray approach in a separate simulation client, on a highly resolved computational grid representing the near nozzle region. In the second simulation client (here, the spray-volume ambient), the Lagrangian approach is used for the dilute spray ...