实现高码速率传输;对于衰落或窄带干扰,可能会导致单载波通信系统瘫痪,而OFDM 系统只影响几个子信道,可采用针对受干扰的子信道降低数据传输速率等方法来保证星间通信系统的通信质量;OFDM 技术起源于模拟调制的频分复用( frequency division multiplexing ,FDM)和多载波调制( multi-carrier modulation , MCM...
13、 如权利要求l所述的方法,其特征在于,所述功率动态变化测量值 的计算包括从所述至少两个单独OFDM符号中的每个符号中查找最大功值。 14、 如权利要求13所述的方法,其特征在于所述功率动态变化测量值 的计算按下式进行/<formula>formula see original document page 4</formula>,其中a =为第i个单独OFDM符号...
4、 model to realize FFT, OFDM signal modulation and demodulation, OFDM signal orthogonality principle, this part USES formula or diagram to explain. Second, that the OFDM systems performance, including OFDM systems of impulse noise, the resistance, the ability of communication and decline diameter ...
And then introduces the basic principles of technology OFDM, such as OFDM systems, OFDM system model to realize FFT, OFDM signal modulation and demodulation, OFDM signal orthogonality principle, this part USES formula or diagram to explain. Second, that the OFDM systems performance, including OFDM ...
%Assuming BPSK modulation ...symbols:+1/-1 X=zeros(64,64); d=rand(64,1); fori=1:64 if(d(i)>=0.5) d(i)=+1; else d(i)=-1; end end fori=1:64 X(i,i)=d(i); end %Calculation of G[The channel Matrix] %The channnel is... ...
The system BER is evaluated for the OFDM system with multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) applied to the optical signal subcarriers. Results obtained by changing the fiber length, laser parameters and using single mode fiber with negative and positive dispersion are calculated in order ...
CCDF_theoretical=CCDF_formula(N,s2,10.^(zdBs/20));%使用公式 Eq.(7.9)中指定的参数N、s2 和 zdBs 计算理论CCDFfori=1:N_zdBs%zdB=zdBs(i);%z=10^(zdB/20);%CCDF_theoretical(i)=CCDF_formula(N,s2,z);CCDF_simulated(i)=sum(CFx>zdBs(i))/Nblk;%通过计数大于阈值zdBs(i)的PAPR值的...
OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)即正交频分复用技术,实际上OFDM是多载波调制(MCM,Multi CarrierModulation)中的一种,OFDM是将信道分成若干正交子信道,将高速数据信号转换成并行的低速子数据流,调制到在每个子信道上进行传输。正交信号可以通过在接收端采用相关技术来分开,这样可以减少子信道之间的相互干扰...
60. The method according to claim 52 wherein the multi-carrier modulated signal is a signal modulated according to a generalized multi-carrier modulation scheme. 61. The method according to claim 52 wherein the determining of the path loss comprises determining at the apparatus the level of th...
但实际上不会这么做,如果是拉两条独立的电缆线还可以,但无线通信就不太实际了,所以接下来就是大家不陌生的IQ modulation, 透过sin(wt) and cos(wt) 彼此正交的特性,将两个独立的讯号载到相同的频率上面再透过一样的方式接调下来。 Conclusion To see is to believe, 到最后你会发现,在真实的世界里你没办法...