% 速率恢复 rateRecover = nrRateRecoverLDPC(chOut,num_bit,CodeRate,rv,modulation,nlayers); % LDPC译码 % maxNumIter:解码迭代的最大次数,指定为正整数标量。 当所有奇偶校验都满足时,或在 maxNumIter 迭代次数之后终止解码。 maxNumIter = 25; decBits = nrLDPCDecode(rateRecover,bgn,maxNumIter); %...
2.仿真效果预览 matlab2022a仿真结果如下: 3.MATLAB核心程序 Assuming the channel response is invariant during one frame pilot_sym = pilot_generator(128); % Generate the pilot symbols, all in BPSK modulation pilot_syms=pilot_sym'; pilot_syms=pilot_syms(:)'; idx=0; for snr = 0:4:40 idx=...
% Constraint length K = 7,generator polynomial in octal g0 = 133, g1 = 171 code_bits = convenc(info_bits, trl); % Convolutional encoder,rate R = 1/2 TX = tx_16qam_mod(code_bits); % 16-QAM modulation figure(1) a=real(TX); b=imag(TX); plot(a,b,'bx') pilot_num = 1; ...
where {Xk} are data symbols, andTis the OFDM symbol time. The data symbolsXkare typically complex and can be from any digital modulation alphabet (for example, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, etc.). Note The MATLAB®implementation of the discrete Fourier transform normalizes the output of the IFF...
更多Matlab完整代码及仿真定制内容点击👇 智能优化算法神经网络预测雷达通信无线传感器电力系统 信号处理图像处理路径规划元胞自动机无人机 🔥 内容介绍 OFDM(正交频分复用)是一种在无线通信系统中广泛使用的调制技术,它能够有效地提高频谱利用率和抗多径干扰能力。LTE-FDD(长期演进-频分双工)是一种主流的移动通信标...
OFDM原理及matlab代码仿真 我也不明白OFDM是个咋回事 OFDM 一,OFDM的原理 OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)即正交频分复用技术,实际上OFDM是MCM(Multi Carrier Modulation),多载波调制的一种。通过频分复用实现高速串行数据的并行传输, 它具有较好的抗多径衰弱的能力,能够支持多用户接入。
- MATLAB & Simulink. This set of examples uses thefftandifftfunctions to demonstrate transmission and reception of OFDM signals. Introduction to OFDM Basic OFDM with No Cyclic Prefix Equalization, Convolution, and Cyclic Prefix Addition OFDM and Equalization with Prepended Cyclic Prefix ...
Copy CodeCopy Command Step 5 of 5 in OFDM Modulation Using MATLAB This example modifies an OFDM+CP signal to efficiently output an oversampled waveform from the OFDM modulator. Configure the simple case with the sample rate related to subcarrier spacing and FFT length. ...
matlab2022a仿真结果如下: 3.MATLAB部分代码预览 %参数初始化 Ta_num = 2;%发送天线数目 Ra_num = 2;%接收天线数目 %导频 mod_type = 'QPSK'; IFFT_len = 64; Carriers = 50; bits_symbol = 2; symbols_per_carrier = 12; %导频间隔
1.算法仿真效果 matlab2022a仿真结果如下: 2.算法涉及理论知识概要 车载通信系统是指在车辆之间或车辆与基础设施之间进行通信的技术。随着5G新无线通信技术(5G-NR)和多输入多输出(MIMO)技术的发展,车载通信系统的传输速率和传输可靠性得到了显著提高。本文将详细介绍