The following individuals have been added to OFAC’s SDN List: AKSENOV, Igor Borisovich (a.k.a. AKSONOV, Ihor Borysovych; a.k.a. AKSYONOV, Igor Borisovich), Russia; DOB 20 Nov 1971; POB Baikonur, Kazakhstan; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: See Section 11 of E...
一、SDN List释义 SDN List是由美国财政部海外资产管理办公室(下称OFAC)维护的名单。 名单中的人员被称为特别指定国民(下称SDN),即根据OFAC管理的各种制裁计划,财产和财产权益被冻结的个人和实体。SDN可以是幌子公司或被确定为被目标国家或组织所有或控制或代表其行事的个人,也可以是被识别的特定的个人,例如恐怖分...
美国财政部海外资产控制办公室(OFAC)负责管理和执行经济和贸易制裁,发布两类名单:Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List(SDN名单)和Consolidated Sanctions List(非SDN名单),并根据美国的外交政策和国家安全目标不时变更。SDN名单 该名单涉及的“Specially Designated Nationals”或“SDN”是指下列...
Always up to date - no downloads required Smart Searching Search OFAC SDN and other lists instantly Highly accurate search results show all pertinent details Bulk Checking Check all the names in a spreadsheet Fast scanning + detailed results emailed to you ...
1. 外国制裁规避者名单(Foreign Sanctions Evaders List,FSE) 外国制裁规避者名单包含经OFAC认定的参与规避美国根据第13608号行政命令对伊朗和叙利亚实施制裁的个人和实体,还列明了为美国制裁对象或代表受美国制裁对象促成欺诈性交易的非美国人。 FSE名单中的实体也可能会出现在SDN名...
The OFAC SDN list and search tool are also not exhaustive and any analysis cannot solely rely on this list. First, there’s the 50% percent rule if an entity is 50% or more owned directly or indirectly by one or more SDNs. That requires identifying who owns an entity, and (in many ...
VARGAS CORREA, Humberto; DOB 25 Mar 1959; POB Iztacalco, Distrito Federal, Mexico; R.F.C. VACH5903253B0 (Mexico); C.U.R.P. VACH590325HDFRRM07 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK]. The following entities have been added to OFAC’s SDN List: ...
OFAC list search from your browser No downloading - just log in and start screening. Compliance with OFAC and many other lists We continually monitor OFAC SDN and many other important watch lists. Check names in a spreadsheet Upload and scan your spreadsheets. Results will be emailed to you. ...
Free OFAC Search Anywhere. Achieve OFAC Compliance. Welcome to Instant OFAC, a project dedicated to making a FREE advanced search algorithm available to everyone, not just large corporations. Now you can search the OFAC SDN list without the need of expensive compliance software. ...
当地时间8月20日,美国财政部外国资产控制办公室(Office of Foreign Assets Control,简称OFAC)将海地前总统Michel Martelly增列入Non-SDN菜单式制裁清单(NON-SDN MENU-BASED SANCTIONS LIST)。此次制裁是根据美国 2021年12月15日颁布的第14059号行政令,对参与全球非法毒品贸易的外国人实施的制裁。