“二级制裁风险:根据第14024 号行政命令第 11 条(经第 14114 号行政命令修订),此主体因在俄罗斯联邦经济中经营或曾经经营支持俄罗斯军事工业基地的部门而被指定”(Secondary sanctions risk: this person is designated for operating or having operated in a sector of the Russian Federation economy determined to ...
“二级制裁风险:根据第14024 号行政命令第 11 条(经第 14114 号行政命令修订),此主体因在俄罗斯联邦经济中经营或曾经经营支持俄罗斯军事工业基地的部门而被指定”(Secondary sanctions risk: this person is designated for operating or having operated in a sector of the Russian Federation economy determined to ...