uritg + b7 kn]u ritg2 + b 8 kn^eq ith + fi t (1) 人均碳排放方程写为: kn (PCit) = kn (c0) + c1 kn^pgdpith + c2 kn^pgdpith2 + c3 kn]eiit ig + c4 kn]insitg + c5 kn]u ritg + c 6 kn]u ritg2 + c 7 kn^eq ith + ei t (2) 式中 C —— 碳排放总量 ...
TG 471. Adopted July 1997. OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (as revised in 1997). OECD Environmental Health and Safety Publications. OECD. 1. 1998. Explore Other Options In Vitro Comet Assay In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Test (OECD 490) In Vitro Mammalian Cell ...
41、esupdatesmost recently updated471bacterial reverse mutation test26 may 1983121 july 1997472genetic toxicology: escherichia coli, reverse assay26 may 19830date of deletion:21 july 1997(method merged with tg471)473in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration test26 may 1983221 july 199726september 2014474 ...
Fig. 1. Methodological steps to create and transfer dry residue of the spray dilution within the protocol of dermal absorption testing in vitro according to OECD TG 428. 2.1. Formulations and chemicals An overview of the tested compounds, agrochemicals, their respective formulations, used concentratio...
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of Updates Updates Most Recently Updated 471 Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test 26 May 1983 1 21 July 1997 472 Genetic Toxicology: Escher 48、ichia coli, Reverse Assay 26 May 1983 0 Date of deletion: 21 July 1997 (Method merged with TG471) 473 in vitro Mammalian Chromosome Aberration Test 26 ...
We found that few mutagens would fail to be detected if the test battery did not include Salmonella strains TA1535 (8/1167), TA1537 (2/247), TA102 (4/46), and E. coli WP2 uvrA (2/21). Of the mutagens detected by the full TG471 strain battery, 93% were detected using only ...
24. Frank RG, Goldman HH, McGuire TG. Trends in mental health cost growth: an expanded role for management? Health Aff. 2009;28(3):649–59. 25. Freedman DS. The relation of economic status to fertility. Am Econ Rev. 1963;53(3):414–26. 26. Galor O, Tsiddon D. Technological ...
TestGuideline404(TG404);adoptedin1981andrevisedin1992and2002)(2).Inrelationtoanimal15 welfareTG404wasrevisedin2002,allowingforthedeterminationofskincorrosionbyapplyingatiered16 testingstrategy,usingvalidatedinvitroorexvivotestmethods,thusavoidingpainandsufferingof17 ...