内容提示: chapter B F inanCial and h uman r esourCes i nvesTed i n e duCaTionB 5 Education at a Glance © OECD 2012 284Table B5.2. distribution of financial aid to students compared to amount of tuition fees charged in tertiary-type a education (academic year 2008-09)Based on full...
8.6258.625100%28.3228.3228.3236.520082010200636.58.6258.625100%28.3228.326%18.495028.3236.520082010138200636.58.6258.625100%28.3228.3228.3236.520082010200636.52012Education at a Glance 2012OECD inDiCatOrs
近日,经济合作与发展组织 ( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)发布了最新一期的各国教育概览报告(Education at a Glance Report)。研究... 朱晓玲(编译) - 《比较教育研究》 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 OECD教育发展指标体系分析及启示——以《教育概览:OECD指标(2003)》为例Analysis on...
The Disability at a Glance series, which started in 2006, serves as a companion for policymakers, statisticians and representatives of organizations of, and for, persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. These publications aim to provide a regional overview of disability policies and ...
与时俱进的OECD ——简评2004 版《OECD 公司治理准则》 星级: 12 页 OECD-EC 星级: 11 页 【精品】OECD 星级: 15 页 OECD与非OECD国家税务管理的比较 星级: 129 页 OECD简介 星级: 17 页 OECD Education at a Glance 格式:PDF 页数:455 上传日期:2016-04-29 18:09:58 浏览次数:39 下...
来源:OECD (2017), Education at a Glance Database, http://stats.oecd.org/. 与教育、健康和福利这两个领域相反,工程、制造和建筑以及ICT领域都以男性为主,这也反映出职业中的性别成见和性别刻板印象。例如,在日本,工程、制造和建筑领域的新生中女性人数不到15%,这是所有OECD国家及其伙伴国家中最低的百分比...
来源: OECD (2015d), Education at a Glance,http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-2015-en,Table C2.1. Heckman(2008)的概念“技能催生技能”很好地概括了早期教育对培养儿童往后阶段更强学习能力所具有的影响。这句话背后的含义是,早期教育阶段所获...
OECD. (2012). Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-2012-en. 特稿 特稿| 褚宏启:中国教育发展方式的转变:路径选择与内生发展
来源:OECD,Education at a Glance (database),http://stats.oecd.org/。 基本要点:由于过去50年教育的迅速扩张,OECD国家中大部分成年人已经至少具有高中学历。不同国家不同时期的教育扩张遵循了不同的轨迹:一些国家选择首先发展中等教育,再发展高等教育;一些国家选择同时发展所有阶段的教育;另外一些国家近几十年来的...
“The cost to individuals and society of young people leaving school without a qualification keeps rising,” stated OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría in connection with the OECD’s annual Education at a Glance report. According to this report, the global economic crisis has proved much tougher...