Centre for Educational Research and InnovationSourceOECD Education & Skills
9月8日,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发布《教育概览2020》(Education at a Glance 2020: OECD Indicators)报告。并随附一本题为《2019冠状病毒病对教育的影响——<教育概览2020>的视角》(The impact of COVID-19 on education - Insights from Education at a Glance 2020)的小册子。今年的《教育概览》报告...
9月8日,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发布《教育概览2020》(Education at a Glance 2020: OECD Indicators)报告。 并随附一本题为《2019冠状病毒病对教育的影响——<教育概览2020>的视角》(The impact of COVID-19 on education - Insights from Education at a Glance 2020)的小册子。 今年的《教育概览》报告聚...
chapter B F inanCial and h uman r esourCes i nvesTed i n e duCaTionB 5 Education at a Glance © OECD 2012 284Table B5.2. distribution of financial aid to students compared to amount of tuition fees charged in tertiary-type a education (academic year 2008-09)Based on full-time ...
ISBN 92-64-10233-796 2003 06 1 PEducation at a Glance OECD INDICATORS-:HSTCQE=VUWXXU:Education at a GlanceOECD INDICATORS Across OECD countries, governments are seeking policies to make education more effective while searching foradditional resources to meet the increasing demand for education. ...
《教育概览》(Education at A Glance,缩写为EAG) 是国际教育比较的主要统计报告,国际指标可以帮助国家政策制定者在自己的国家与其他有关国家间进行发展步调上的比较。尽管在许多OECD国家,国家政策制定者是主要的决策者,但在联邦国家,如加拿大、德国和美国,地方政府才是主要的决策者。虽然在这些国家,国家和地方政策制定...
Last week, I showed you some of theEducation at a Glance. However, I didn’t do anything on finances because I was not sure about the Canadian numbers (I’m still deeply puzzled by the numbers in a couple of other countries), but thanks to some very helpful folks at StatsCan, I now...
Education at a Glance ‐ OECD Indicators 2003 provides a rich, comparable and up‐to‐date array of indicators that reflect a consensus among professionals on how to measure the current state of education internationally. The indicators provide information on the human and financial resources invested...
数据来源: OECD (2016), Education at a Glance Database, http://stats.oecd.org/. 这些数字表明,未受过高中教育的年轻人找到工作和重新接受教育要更困难。观察年轻人的状况以防止他们辍学非常重要,对于那些已辍学的人来说,重要...
《教育概览》(Education at A Glance,缩写为EAG) 是国际教育比较的主要统计报告,国际指标可以帮助国家政策制定者在自己的国家与其他有关国家间进行发展步调上的比较。尽管在许多OECD国家,国家政策制定者是主要的决策者,但在联邦国家,如加拿大、德国和美国,地方政府才是主要的决策者。虽然在这些国家,国家和地方政策制定...