OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030_ The new “normal” in education 420 -- 57:13 App 现象式学习 Phenomenon-Based Learning with Donna Fields PhD 1872 3 10:48 App 30.微观粒子到宇宙 359 -- 3:00 App The Future of Work - Will Our Children Be Prepared? 1940 1 4:31 App 批判性...
This thematic report is the culmination of the OECD's first comparative education policy focus on physical and health education in school systems around the world. Conductedunder the auspices of the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project as part of the International Curriculum Analysis, th...
本文在经济合作与发展组织(The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)"教育2030:未来的教育和技能"项目提出的"学习框架2030"下,对我国现行《义务教育化学课程标准(2011年版)》文本进行分析,采用课程图谱(Curriculum Content Mapping)项目提出的内容框架和能力素养框架构成课程标准分析的二维矩阵,将课程标...