First, we introduce indicators of innovation input and technological specialization simultaneously into the empirical growth equation. Second, we employ the system-GMM (Generalized-Method-of-Moments) panel estimator that controls for (a) the possible specification bias when variables are highly persistent...
Network neutrality regulations are intended to preserve the Internet as a non-discriminatory, public network and an open platform for innovation. Whereas t
Therefore, this increased focus is apparent in collaborative efforts such as the 2015 Paris Agreement, which highlights ambitious attempts to tackle global warming. The stringent regulations aimed at reducing emissions to address climate change necessitate the adoption of robust regulations and governing st...
The regression equations are estimated by Blundell and Bond's GMM system estimator. Our results indicate that all the research hypotheses have been positively verified. 展开 关键词: Financial development Economic growth European Union Panel data Empirical analysis ...
Controlling for determinants at the same time enables us to correct for potential omitted variable bias in both strands of the empirical literature: (i) the work that explains the fall in labour share by rising market power (markups) without controlling for the effects of innovation as an ...
Table 5. (Dynamic) Common correlated effects estimator — (CS-ARDL). VariablesCoefficientP-Value Empty CellCoefficientP-Value Short-run resultsLong-run results IS −1.019 0.000*** IS −.1015 0.000*** FI 0.147 0.022** FI 0.148 0.022** Y 0.595 0.000*** Y 0.593 0.000*** C −0.279 ...
Unlike the standard mean regression estimator, quantile regression estimators are robust to outliers and distributions with heavy tails. Therefore, we choose to employ the quantile regression approach to detect whether the impact of the tax burden on CO2 emissions is heterogeneous across the countries ...
An increase in the wage coordination index from the lowest level (1) to the highest level (5) will induce a long-run price level increase of 21 percent according to the estimates in our baseline model. The remainder of the paper develops these points and is structured as follows. First, ...
In the context of these econometrics problems, the SYS-GMM method is used in this study. The Sargan test was conducted to over-identify the constraints on the validation of the instruments. The Sys-GMM estimator method’s effectiveness is further validated by analyzing the autocorrelation of the...
This paper focuses on examining the effects of per capita environmental technology development on the load capacity factor (LCF) within the context of OECD member countries during the period spanning 1990 to 2021. To investigate these relationships, we employ the AMG estimator and FM-LS estimator....