The Odfjell Group is one of the leading players in the global market for seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other speciality bulk liquids.
The Odfjell Group is one of the leading players in the global market for seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other speciality bulk liquids.
GlobalOdfjell Technology is exhibiting at GOTECH 2024 in Dubai, Stand Number 105 Well ServicesOdfjell Technology provides tubular running services to world first Eavor-Loop™ closed-loop geothermal system Well ServicesInnovative dormant casing scraper toolrewrites rulebook on well services ...
The Odfjell Group is one of the leading players in the global market for seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other speciality bulk liquids.
Odfjell’s chemical tanker Bow Olympus is all set to depart the yard with four 22-meter eSAILs® on deck. Now, the 49k vessel will be navigated towards the windy areas to explore real-time benefits of the wind-assisted propulsion technology. Read moreOdfjell...
奥非酒庄(Odfjell Vineyards)位于智利迈坡谷(Maipo Valley)产区,是智利的顶级酒庄,精品小酒庄。酒庄一直坚持使用 “生物动力种植法”来种植和管理葡萄园,以酿制出能够完美体现当地风土特色的葡萄酒。所产的葡萄酒在世界上享有很高的赞誉。 该酒庄由来自挪威的船主唐·奥非(Dan Odfjell)创立。20世纪60年代末至70年代初...
1921Odfjell makes a brief entry into the tanker trade with the SS Vaarli, rebuilt as a tanker 1938Odfjell makes a small re-entry into the tanker trade with the newbuilding MT Lind 1940World War II: Odfjell fleet is split. Three ships in home waters and four on ...
Odfjell Armador Carmenere Central Valley, Chile ¥101 88/ 100 Odfjell Capitulo 'Flying Fish' Carignan - Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec Central Valley, Chile ¥119 90/ 100 Odfjell 'Orzada' Cabernet Sauvignon Rio de Piedras Colchagua Valley, Chile ...
关于“奥菲亚里拉红葡萄酒(Odfjell Aliara, Central Valley, Chile) ”的酒款综述 这款葡萄酒来自智利的中央山谷产区,曾多次获得知名权威酒评团队帕克团队90以上的高分评价。该款酒的酒液呈深紫色,带有无花果,茉莉、玫瑰、巧克力以及水果的香气和风味,单宁柔顺,余味持久。
Odfjell 'Orzada' Carmenere Central Valley, Chile ¥156 89 / 100 Justin Monmousseau Chinon Loire, France ¥128 85 / 100 Odfjell 'Orzada' Malbec Lontue Valley, Chile ¥165 88 / 100 Odfjell Armador Sauvignon Blanc Casablanca Valley, Chile ¥101 88 / 100 Odfjell Armador Merlot Mai...