10月5日,日本商船三井宣布通过私募融资成为挪威浮式风电公司Odfjell Oceanwind的股东和重要战略合作伙伴。 商船三井表示,此次私募融资交易产生的巨额资金将用于进一步巩固Odfjell Oceanwind在浮式海上风电技术领域的全球领先地位。交易之后,Odfjell Technology和Odfjell家族的直接投资仍将是Odfjell Oceanwind的最大股东。 通过此...
Billy@odfjellwind.com Odfjell Wind AS +47 55 21 50 00 Nygaardsgaten 114,5008 Bergen. Fredrik Odfjell –+47 55 12 10 10 Fredrik@odfjellwind.com MT Ocean Energy MT Ocean Breeze MT Ocean Trader MT Atlantic Sun MT Mari Sun MT Trust 1 ...
DNV 已完成对 Odfjell Oceanwind公司开发的WindGrid系统的概念验证审查,确认了该系统的技术可行性。 DNV审查结果表示,与传统燃气轮机发电相比,在北海油气田应用该系统可以使二氧化碳排放量减少60%~70%。 Odfjell 的 WindGrid系统结合了储能、电网转换器和浮动风力涡轮机,通过可移动海上风机(MOWU)给海上的微型电网供电。
Odfjell’s chemical tanker Bow Olympus is all set to depart the yard with four 22-meter eSAILs® on deck. Now, the 49k vessel will be navigated towards the windy areas to explore real-time benefits of the wind-assisted propulsion technology. Read moreOdfjell...
Odfjell also has a substantial presence in the regional trades in South Americas. Our fully owned Brazilian subsidiary Flumar allows us to have a significant presence along the Brazilian coast and the Mercosul area. Worldwide chartering Odfjell Tankers Chartering offers safe and efficient ocean transpo...