binasciierror: odd-length string 错误通常出现在使用 Python 的 binascii 模块进行 Base64 编码或解码时,如果提供的字符串长度不是 4 的倍数(对于编码)或在解码时遇到奇数长度的 Base64 字符串,就会引发此错误。 2. 可能原因 编码时输入字符串长度非 4 的倍数:Base64 编码要求输入数据按每 3 个字节一组进...
File "path\to\there\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\PyPDF2\", line 291, in parse_bfrange unhexlify(fmt % a).decode( binascii.Error: Odd-length string Author change-is-constantcommentedSep 27, 2022 pubpub-zzmentioned this issueSep 27, 2022 ...
(data) File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/lifxlan-0.2.3-py2.7.egg/lifxlan/", line 154, in unpack_lifx_message label = binascii.unhexlify("".join(["%x" % (b & 0x000000ff) for b in struct.unpack("b"*32, payload_str[12:44])])) TypeError: Odd-length string ...
Bug#1034568: binascii.Error: Odd-length string when askin... Marek Küthe Bug#1034568: binascii.Error: Odd-length string when ... Jamie Strandboge Bug#1034568: binascii.Error: Odd-length string w... Jamie Strandboge Bug#1034568: binascii.Error: Odd-length stri... Jamie Strandboge ...
代码(Python3) classSolution:defoddString(self,words:List[str])->str:# key_to_info[key] = (count, word)# key: 差分数组格式化形成的字符串,方便作为 Map 的键# count: 能形成 key 的字符串数# word: words 中第一个形成 key 的字符串key_to_info:Dict[str,Tuple[int,str]]={}forwordinwords...
string: javascript");Console.WriteLine("Length of the string: "+test("javascript"));Console.WriteLine("Original string: python");Console.WriteLine("Length of the string: "+test("python"));}// Function to determine if the length of a string is even or oddpublicstaticstringtest(stringword)...
Extracting EVEN and ODD numbers from the list: In this tutorial, we will learn how to extract/split EVEN and ODD numbers from a given list in Python programming language?ByBipin KumarLast updated : June 26, 2023 The number that can be fully divided by 2 is known as an EVEN number and...
LeetCode 1374. Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts生成每种字符都是奇数个的字符串【Easy】【Python】【字符串】 Problem LeetCode Given an integern,return a string withncharacters such that each character in such string occursan odd number of times. ...
Find the length of a dictionary Iterate through keys and values in dictionaries Describe related information of an object using a bunch of key-value pair In a complex scenario put many dict in a list, iterating each of elemen for the same operation ...
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