Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016Using an ODBC connection, you tried to perform an operation on data in an ODBC data source. This error may occur when the ODBC data source is on a network drive and you are not connected to the network. Make sure the network is available, and then...
change the timeout value (I used 180), tab to the next field, close the Properties window, and Save the query. This is all behavior within Access, so I would think it would be the same regardless of the backend database you're connecting to (I'm connecting to SQL Server). The one...
Access for Microsoft 365Access 2021Access 2019Access 2016 If you set the OnError property of a Access form to an event procedure, you cannot retrieve the description of an ODBC error in that procedure, and you also cannot trap a specific ODBC error. W...
I constantly get the popup for ODBC--call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.81-community-log]MySQL Server has gone away (#2006) Once this happens, rerunning the query appears to keep getting the same error until I shut down Access and restart it. These aren't queries with...
When creating the connection all test gives OK. But when trying to connect, it fails with: ODBC--call failed "Query timeout expired" If I don't define the database, then Access connects to master db and lists the tables that I can access. So it seems the connection to ...
I am having the same problem too, using Access 2002. I frequently get both: ODBC --call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.1.14]Lost connection to MySQL server during query (#2013) AND ODBC --call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.1.14]MySQL server has gone away...
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications eljárás, amely az űrlapon alapulRecordsetClonefrissítése Data Access Objects (DAO) használó hozhat létre. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy minden olyan hibaüzenet jelenhet meg található. DAOhibákegyüttes...
Session))) {cout<<"Failed to access IDBCreateSession interface.\n";gotoEXIT; }if(FAILED(pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession(NULL, IID_IDBCreateCommand, (IUnknown**) &pIDBCreateCommand))) {cout<<"pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession failed.\n";gotoEXIT; }// Create a Command object.if(FAILED(pI...
Oracle ODBC driver use to result in ODBC call failed error when the ODBC driver tried to reconnect to Oracle Database after Microsoft Access connection timed out. (Bug 16181438) Oracle ODBC driver use to give access violation atSQLExecutewhen setting an incorrect bind parameter value forTIMESTAMP...
When I run the Query, I receive the following error message in MS Access: ++++++++++ ODBC--call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver]pmysqld-5.7.15-log]Sort Aborted: Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded (#1028) ++++++++++...