ODBC - call failed. (Error 3146) Article 09/13/2021 6 contributors Feedback Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016Using an ODBC connection, you tried to perform an operation on data in an ODBC data source. This error may occur when the ODBC data source is on a network drive and you ...
ODBC – call failed. (Error 3146) Article 06/14/2014 Expand table Using an ODBC connection, you tried to perform an operation on data in an ODBC data source. This error may occur when the ODBC data source is on a network drive and you are not connected to the network. Make sure ...
ODBC--call failed: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (#10054) [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Communication link failure (#10054)Poznámka This issue may also occur when you try to open the linked ...
ODBC error messages normally consist of two components. The first component is error 3146, whose description is: ODBC-Call failed The server-specific error information is contained in the second component, from which you can retrieve an error number and a de...
The MySQL Schema is connected via System DSN using the 32-bit MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver. When I run the Query, I receive the following error message in MS Access: ++++++++++ ODBC--call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver]pmysqld-5.7.15-log]Sort Aborted: Query execution was ...
= call myProc(?,?)}"; SPROCPARAMS sprocparams = {0,0,14};// All the initialization activities in a separate function.InitializeAndEstablishConnection();// Create a new activity from the data source object.if( FAILED(pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface( IID_IDBCreateSession, (void**) &pIDBCre...
ODBC是Open Database Connect 即开发数据库互连的简称,它是一个用于访问数据库的统一界面标准。ODBC引入一个公共接口以解决不同数据库潜在的不一致性,从而很好的保证了基于数据库系统的应用程序的相对独立性。ODBC 概念由 Microsoft 开发,后来移植到其他平台。
如果驅動程式不支援異步通知,ODBC 驅動程式管理員會使用SQLSTATE S1_118傳回SQL_ERROR(驅動程式不支援異步通知)。 如果驅動程式支援異步通知,ODBC 驅動程式管理員會呼叫驅動程式,並設定對應的屬性SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_DBC_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK和SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_DBC_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT。
[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server-illesztőprogram] [Az SQL Server] < kiszolgáló-specifikus hibaüzenet > (< hibaszám > #) Ha a űrlaphibáratulajdonsága eseményvezérelt eljárás, is alá, ha a hiba az első összetevő számát, de...
I constantly get the popup for ODBC--call failed. [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.81-community-log]MySQL Server has gone away (#2006) Once this happens, rerunning the query appears to keep getting the same error until I shut down Access and restart it. These aren't queries with...