C. TanPo-Min YangChong-bin Tsai
In addition, any of the following trauma patient criteria allow for their inclusion in the registry: activation of trauma resuscitation team, 'Dead on Arrival', death in the emergency department or in the facility, transfers to or from the emergency room and another facility via ambulance, ...
20050256417Emergency room triage systemNovember, 2005Fischell et al. 20070255324Drug delivery to ilioinguinal nerve to alleviate chronic pelvic painNovember, 2007Giftakis et al. 20150185232INNATE IMMUNE PROTEINS AS BIOMARKERS FOR CNS INJURYJuly, 2015Keane et al. ...
on the basis of the referral with imaging.14 One region has described its successful experience with integrating electronic referrals with their appointment booking system leading to reduced hospital appointments.15 Teleophthalmology has been successfully used to triage emergency eye conditions in rural Aus...
Ultrasound QuarterlyRitchie JV, Horne ST, Perry J, Gay D. Ultrasound triage of ocular blast injury in the military emergency department. Mil Med 2012; 177: 174-178.Ritchie JV, Home ST, Perry J, et al. Ultrasound Triage of Ocular Blast Injury in the Military Emergency Department...
Ultrasound triage of ocular blast injury in the military emergency department. Mil Med 2012; 177: 174-178.Ritchie JV, Home ST, Perry J, et al. Ultrasound Triage of Ocular Blast Injury in the Military Emergency Department[ J]. Military Medicine, 2012,17(2) :174 - 178....
EMERGENCY managementCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19MEDICAL triageA total of 1331 visits of 1158 patients were recorded, of which 477 were during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and 834 were in 2019. Ophthalmic care during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic focused on urgent pathologies, ...