fs]=audioread('23ll.wav','native');maxdb=-1.5; %//get from ffmpeg -i 23ll.wav -af volumedetect -f null dummyy=db(y);y=y+maxdb-max(y);plot([1:length(y)]/fs,y);xlabel('t (s)');ylabel('y (db)');saveas(gcf,'23ll.jpg','...
'plot' is a function from the file C:\Octave\Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2\share\octave\3.6.4\m\plot\plot.m -- Function File: plot (Y) -- Function File: plot (X, Y) -- Function File: plot (X, Y, PROPERTY, VALUE, ...) -- Function File: plot (X, Y, FMT) -- Function File: ...
Savethe plot 保存情节 rint -dpng 'trigoPlot.png' % saves the plot as an image 1. Get ridof figure 摆脱数字 close % gets rid of the current figure 1. Multiple figuresat the save time 节省多个数字 figure(1); plot(t, y1) % plots the first figure figure(2); plot(t, y2) % plot...
save hello.mat v; % save variable v into file hello.mat save hello.txt v -ascii; % saveasascii 绘图 基本绘图 %% plottingt = [0:0.01:0.98]; y1 =sin(2*pi*4*t);plot(t,y1); y2 =cos(2*pi*4*t);holdon;% "hold off" to turn offplot(t,y2,'r'); axis([0.51-11]);% c...
plot (Y) where the argument is taken as the set of Y coordinates and the X coordinates are taken to be the indices of the elements starting with 1. To save a plot, in one of several image formats such as PostScript or PNG, use the `print' command. ...
In the main command prompt, make some standard plots likesombrero()andfplot(@sin, [-pi pi]), and ensure they appear as expected Open the plot window. You should be able to scroll through your plots. Ensure that the two download buttons work as expected (download as PNG and as SVG) ...
title('my plot') 如果想保存这个图 print -dpng 'myPlot.png' close %关闭图像 如果想显示两个窗口两个图 figure(1); plot(t,y1); figure(2); plot(t,y2); 如果一个窗口显示两个窗口图内容 subplot(1,2,1); plot(t,y1); %1*2窗口,用1窗口显示 改变(缩放)横纵轴 axis([0.5 1 -1 1]) ...
The old script was hard to use and since the new one is easy to use I've called itsimple_videofacerec.py. Basically the script allows you to compute, save and load models for face recognition in videos (e.g. webcam feeds). Moreover you can optionally validate your model to see the...
>> title('my plot--'); % 标题 >> print -dpng 'sincos.png' % 保持图像 >> close % 关闭图像 ``` ``` >> >> figure(1);plot(t,y1); % 可以指定多个图像 >> figure(2);plot(t,y2); 可以在同一个图像(figure)上实现多个绘制(plot)。
>print -dpng 'myPlot.png' % 图片将保存到C盘 >pwd ans = C:\ print -dpng 9.5 关闭figure - close close.gif 9.6 分别绘制到2个figure >figure(1);plot(t,y1); >figure(2);plot(t,y2); 分别绘制 9.7 分块 subplot % 将图形分为1个1*2的格子,使用第一个格子 ...